
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

30.01.2024 7:09:32 hack. analyze things анализировать (Among Worthington's revelations were that some major social media platforms were so easy to hack, his adolescent son had done so. “Kids are always doing that,” he said. “They’re always experimenting around. He doesn’t have to have a PhD in order to think about things, to analyze things and figure our what might be a weakness. But he’s not afraid to just push buttons. And that’s sometimes all it takes.” (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 7:03:44 hack. defend privacy against hackers защитить персональные данные от хакеров (RAIDA Tech CEO Sean Worthington joined guest host Connie Willis to discuss the impact of AI and defending privacy against hackers. Among Worthington's revelations were that some major social media platforms were so easy to hack, his adolescent son had done so. “Kids are always doing that,” he said. “They’re always experimenting around. He doesn’t have to have a PhD in order to think about things, to analyze things and figure our what might be a weakness. But he’s not afraid to just push buttons. And that’s sometimes all it takes.” (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:59:12 idiom. spread like wildfire распространиться со скоростью лесного пожара (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:59:12 idiom. spread like wildfire охватить со скоростью лесного пожара (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:56:13 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media моментально разлететься в соцсетях (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:56:13 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media моментально распространиться в соцсетях (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.06.2024 4:33:53 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media молниеносно разлететься в соцсетях (A weird video circulating on social media in the Philippines shows what appears to be a shadow person sporting a long tail. Shortly after being posted online, Colasito's video spread like wildfire on social media in the Philippines with many viewers suggesting that the figure in the footage was some kind of supernatural being. coasttocoastam.com)
25.05.2024 4:18:37 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media молниеносно распространиться в соцсетях (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) • A security camera at a Peruvian market captured a guard seemingly speaking to an unseen person and the man at the center of the now-viral video has come forward with the fantastic claim that the footage shows him having a conversation with a ghost girl. The chilling scene reportedly unfolded in the city of Ventanilla last year, though the footage appears to have only popped up online earlier this month and, since then, has spread like wildlife on social media in Peru. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:56:13 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media распространиться в соцсетях со скоростью лесного пожара (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 6:56:13 soc.med. spread like wildfire on social media разлететься в соцсетях со скоростью лесного пожара (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.01.2024 10:44:44 inf. won't get splattered не затронет (...And now there’s pressure to densify this riding because the party they voted for flooded Canada with immigrants. Those who did not see this coming and voted for Joyce Murray will now see their neighbourhood change since, surprise, the owners of vacant houses don’t care about your community and traditions; they just want profits that come from land assemblies. Did these voters think that when it hit the fan they wouldn’t get splattered? -- считали, что их это не затронет? (vancouversun.com))
29.01.2024 10:20:32 ed. successfully defend one's graduation project защитить дипломный проект (Marcia finished her graduation project and successfully defended it this past Monday. This was a huge accomplishment!)
29.01.2024 10:12:57 gen. creak заскрипеть ("Kingsley got up suddenly and went out to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of whiskey. He poured himself a stiff drink and drank it standing. He waved a hand at it and walked heavily out of the room. I heard bed springs creak." – Я услышал, как заскрипели пружины кровати. (Raymond Chandler))
29.01.2024 10:06:39 gen. be lodged in застрять в (A white Jeep sits lodged in Kenmore Fire & Rescue's Hall No. 3 on Mill Drive in West Kenmore. – белый "джип" застрял в здании пожарной части)
29.01.2024 9:36:27 fig. head-scratching загадочный (Weather experts are baffled after over 100 mature trees were knocked down in Washington State. The head-scratching event occurred in the early morning hours at the Olympic National Park. A mysterious rumbling sound was heard by people living nearby. -- загадочное происшествие (coasttocoastam.com))
29.01.2024 9:05:52 HR Human Resources Director заведующий отделом кадров
29.01.2024 9:05:21 HR Director of Human Resources заведующий отделом кадров
29.01.2024 9:04:35 Canada Registrar заведующий архивом
29.01.2024 8:47:50 law, contr. if applicable если данное условие применимо
29.01.2024 8:43:31 cliche. get sb. into trouble доставить неприятности (High-fat dairy foods could get you into trouble.)
29.01.2024 8:23:56 sarcast. isn't this cute! какая прелесть! (He said he wouldn't file a complaint? Isn't this cute!)
29.01.2024 8:22:01 appr. how lovely! какая прелесть! (Look at all these azaleas! And the hydrangeas! How lovely!)
29.01.2024 8:20:15 appr. this is lovely! какая прелесть! (Is this for me? This is lovely! Thanks!)
29.01.2024 7:54:11 trav. BC backcountry дикая природа Британской Колумбии (BC Backcountry Survival Course: 1 half day, Kelowna)
29.01.2024 7:49:10 trav. Hawaiian wilderness дикая природа Гавайских островов
29.01.2024 6:17:22 cliche. it was then that именно в этот момент (что-то произошло: At first, they thought it was a joke being played on them by their friends, but as the wailing intensified they ran away in a panic. As the two friends ran down the hill along a trail they reached a curve in the path, and it was then that the source of the alien howling made itself known. According to Carlson, a huge, 7-to-8-foot-tall hairy female creature, naked except for a cloth around the waist, lumbered into view. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 6:12:39 gen. it was at this instant that именно в этот момент
29.01.2024 6:04:40 gen. have some relation to иметь какое-то отношение к (Another popular theory is that these miniature humanoids could have some relation to the Flores “Hobbits,” (Homo Floresiensis), a small race of hominids whose remains have been found on the Indonesian island of Flores and which are thought to have still existed just 12,000 or 13,000 years ago. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 6:04:19 gen. be somehow connected with иметь какое-то отношение к (Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. The team observed that it did not appear to have fallen from the sky and, instead, was likely planted in the ground. As for its purpose, they initially suspected that perhaps it was somehow connected with NASA, maybe as a means of contacting satellites, but ultimately concluded that it appeared more likely to be some kind of artwork rather than a scientific instrument. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.01.2024 5:47:22 gen. diminutive being карлик (Although it seems as though the Menehune must be totally mythical constructs, there have been numerous alleged sightings of the diminutive beings that have continued right up to modern times. One of the most well-known such sightings was made by a group of 40 schoolchildren and their teacher, George London, in the 1940s near the Waimea Parish property. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 5:40:34 polit. mixed messages разноголосица (sending mixed messages • mixed messages coming from sb.)
29.01.2024 5:37:50 parapsych. communicate telepathically установить телепатическую связь (with someone: A young man in England claims that he had a terrifying encounter with an extraterrestrial that resembled a giant praying mantis which could communicate with him telepathically. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.01.2024 5:37:23 parapsych. communicate telepathically поддерживать телепатическую связь (with someone: A young man in England claims that he had a terrifying encounter with an extraterrestrial that resembled a giant praying mantis which could communicate with him telepathically. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.01.2024 5:35:18 parapsych. communicate telepathically общаться телепатически (with someone: He described the planet's inhabitants as attractive 8-foot-tall humanoid aliens that are hermaphroditic and can self-reproduce. They can communicate telepathically and are interested in guiding Earth to a more spiritual path, Chong said. (coasttocoastam.com) • The Menehune are said to be nocturnal, living in caves deep within the forest during the day, and to communicate via a series of grunts and growls. In some folkloric traditions, they are even said to be able to communicate telepathically. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 5:32:05 law, contr. is deemed to be concluded считается заключённым (When contract is deemed to be concluded. A contract is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the insured is accepted by the insurer.)
29.01.2024 5:31:22 gen. is said to be считается (For instance, white-collar criminals are often allowed to serve their sentences at the weekends only, so that they don’t lose their jobs, whereas ordinary foreign criminals such as drug dealers and thieves are sent to the prison in Nice, which is said to be one of the worst prisons in France. (irishtimes.com))
29.01.2024 5:29:13 gen. are said to be считаются (Often, if something went wrong in 19th-century Ireland, it was the fairies’ doing. And fairy forts, like the one Bridget passed that Monday morning, were said to be where they lived. -- считались / считалось, что (atlasobscura.com) • In folklore and the occult, mirrors are said to be portals and the movie’s vain queen uses this tool to manipulate others together with ritualized magic in her quest to live forever. -- зеркала считаются порталами в другие измерения (paranormaldailynews.com) • The Menehune are said to be nocturnal, living in caves deep within the forest during the day, and to communicate via a series of grunts and growls. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 5:17:43 gen. get to see увидеть (напр., говоря о редкой возможности: a whole lot of NYC that you never get to see – никогда не доведётся увидеть • It moved fast and like a human. It was fat, huge, and it had white long hair everywhere. Looked like a white Bigfoot or something, no kidding. I never thought I'd get to see something like this. I’ve always laughed at all these Bigfoot nuts. Now I guess I'm the crazy one here. -- Вот уж никогда не думал, что доведётся такое увидеть. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 5:13:51 gen. got to see firsthand довелось повидать (Working in and around New Orleans, I got to see a lot of the destruction firsthand. – мне довелось повидать)
29.01.2024 5:10:18 gen. take one's dog for a walk вывести собаку (Finally, in the same year was another report from the area of Litchfield, Maine, where a construction worker claims to have seen a white Bigfoot on Christmas Eve as he was taking his dog for a walk. The day is described as being foggy, and suddenly his dog began to get agitated for no apparent reason, which is right about when the beast would make its appearance. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 5:06:28 humor. take the dog outside to do his business вывести собаку (I wake up around 6 and usually take my dog outside to do his business in the park across the street.)
29.01.2024 4:39:37 gen. get more intense усилиться (The odor got more intense.)
29.01.2024 4:31:33 gen. till a field вспахивать поле (Tillage is the agricultural preparation of soil by mechanical agitation of various types, such as digging, stirring, and overturning. (Wikipedia) |: All plots were tilled once or twice with a tandem disk just prior to planting each year for all crops. (Cambridge Dictionary) • There was a farmer tilling a field on the right side of the highway, possibly trying to create a barrier to stop a brush and timber fire that was burning out of control by a period of dry weather. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
29.01.2024 2:41:17 gen. coins мелочь (не обязательно мелкие монеты, также по $1-$2: I’ve got a bag full of coins that I want to use – anybody know of a self checkout place that I can pay with coins? Don’t want to hold up a line at a regular cashier. Just trying to avoid rolling up all the coins to deposit in the bank -- полный кулёк мелочи (Reddit))
29.01.2024 2:18:42 gen. tricky business дело сложное ("Investing can be tricky." "That's right. Investing is a tricky business. It's not merely about buying at a low price and selling at a high price.")
29.01.2024 2:12:15 invest. at low cost за низкую цену (at an extremely low cost – по крайне низкой цене / за крайне низкую цену • We are working with a group of merchant bankers and securities attorneys out of NYC who have a number of public vehicles they are willing to provide for solid projects at an extremely low cost ($40k-$50k) plus an equity stake in the pubco.)
29.01.2024 0:19:00 gen. bring attention привлечь к себе внимание
28.01.2024 11:59:45 idiom. a cut above гораздо лучше по качеству
28.01.2024 11:58:30 gen. considerably less гораздо меньше (At the end of the day, they will collect more money from me for my internet bandwidth, but they will collect considerably less from me for TV. In fact, I might even end up saving money!)
28.01.2024 11:58:15 gen. far fewer гораздо меньше (Kits Beach is also one of the most regulated beaches in the world, so if you want to go to a beach with far fewer rules, try Wreck Beach, where "optional" is a way of life.)
28.01.2024 11:57:29 gen. much less often гораздо реже (I’ve seen this type of poisoning much less often.in the last few years.)
28.01.2024 11:56:29 gen. playground slide горка (на детской площадке)
28.01.2024 11:55:14 gen. mountain man горец (After living with the nature guys for two months, Josh looked like some bizarre old mountain man, with his reddish beard almost reaching his belly button.)
28.01.2024 11:54:28 context. feel good гордиться (our emphasis on creating a product that we can all feel good about – такого изделия, которым мы все можем гордиться )
28.01.2024 11:43:16 gen. in about an hour's time примерно через час
28.01.2024 11:35:09 gen. ranging from ... to в размере от ... до (– the awards ranging from $500 CAD to $5,000 CAD -- стипендии в размере от $500 CAD до $5,000 CAD)
28.01.2024 11:08:13 gen. in every kind of weather в любую погоду (We've gone kayaking around Burrard Inlet in every kind of weather.)
28.01.2024 10:48:53 gen. feel comfortable чувствовать себя уверенно (I’m driving in from Abby to meet up with some family around Vancouver, however I’m still newish to driving and don’t feel comfortable in city traffic, so my plan was to park in Burnaby in the morning, and just transit around. -- я только недавно научился водить и чувствую себя неуверенно в городе за рулём (Reddit))
28.01.2024 10:15:59 gen. it took awhile потребовалось какое-то время, чтобы (It took awhile to understand the scope of the shooting. – Потребовалось какое-то время, чтобы осознать масштаб расстрела.)
28.01.2024 10:14:34 idiom. down the drain потраченные впустую (о деньгах: "I feel bad for anyone who bought a season pass for this season." "I bought a season pass and yeah it sucks. $500 down the drain." -- потраченных впустую (Reddit))
28.01.2024 8:51:17 gen. the most important task важнейшая задача
28.01.2024 7:52:08 gen. says написано (The invitation says dinner at seven. -- В приглашении написано: «Ужин в семь».)
28.01.2024 7:51:18 gen. reads написано (следующее: The report reads: ... -- В отчёте написано: ...)
28.01.2024 7:47:03 gen. a third time в третий раз (There was this white fuzzy thing standing on two legs. It was looking at me. It fled. Couldn’t wrap my head around what the hell I just saw. My hands kept shaking and didn’t feel right putting a rifle up at something I didn’t understand. I would get within 40 yards or so. It would back up. Then flee. Then popped out a third time. Got weird feeling of cat and mouse. Animals don’t act like this. It was playing with me. I felt I was being lured into something. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:34:49 gen. dense forest дремучий лес (из англояз. источника: They made eye contact for a few moments. He says they looked at each other eye to eye! But that it made no sound nor did it make any threatening move toward the young boy. It simply walked slowly off into the dense forest. As it walked away he could then tell it was covered entirely with long solid white hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:30:53 gen. well gone след простыл (is / was: At first he thought it was a large man with a white hood over his head and it severely frightened the young boy. They all went around the house to see if it was someone who intended to do harm. But the creature was well gone by now. -- к тому времени и след простыл (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:22:53 idiom. rack one's brain напряжённо думать (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:22:53 idiom. rack one's brain напряжённо размышлять (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:21:19 idiom. rack one's brain пытаться сообразить (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:19:28 idiom. rack one's brain стараться припомнить (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster))
28.01.2024 7:19:18 idiom. rack one's brain стараться вспомнить (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster))
28.01.2024 7:17:03 idiom. rack one's brain стараться разгадать (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:17:03 idiom. rack one's brain стараться понять (to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem, etc. (Merriam-Webster): I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 7:04:50 gen. make eye contact встретиться взглядом (Step to the curb and attempt to make eye contact with the oncoming driver. • Sterling described this creature as a translucent-skinned, hairless and "insanely thin" humanoid without distinctive facial features except for a gaping mouth and massive black eyes. After making eye contact with her, the creature ran away with an eerie scream. (coasttocoastam.com))
28.01.2024 6:52:16 gen. your eyes were playing tricks on you тебе это почудилось (I was absolutely astounded by what I was seeing; if not for the fact that the dog was seeing it too, I would have wondered if my eyes and/or brain was playing tricks on me. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:49:47 gen. my eyes were playing tricks on me мне это почудилось (I was absolutely astounded by what I was seeing; if not for the fact that the dog was seeing it too, I would have wondered if my eyes and/or brain was playing tricks on me. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:35:04 gen. not in a hurry не спеша (The thing (for lack of a known word to call what it was that I saw) was walking, on two legs, aimlessly, not in a hurry and I could not find a reason as to why it came into the yard as it was just looking around aimlessly and leisurely walking. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:28:32 gen. large man высокий крупный мужчина (As she leisurely looked over the quaint scenery, she says she noticed what appeared to be a large man making his way through the field nearby, which began to draw nearer to the trailer where they had been staying. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:28:32 gen. large man крупный мужчина (As she leisurely looked over the quaint scenery, she says she noticed what appeared to be a large man making his way through the field nearby, which began to draw nearer to the trailer where they had been staying. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:08:54 gen. strewn about all over the place разбросанные повсюду (When she inspected the area under the perceived safety of daylight, she discovered that whatever it was had left behind footprints, muddy, human-like handprints streaked all over the windows, and garbage and other miscellaneous objects strewn about all over the place, with the garbage cans themselves crushed and twisted with great force. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 6:03:46 idiom. at all hours в любое время суток (at any time of day (Merriam-Webster) : They serve breakfast at all hours. (Merriam-Webster) • The atmosphere would have been quite spooky already, as the house was situated in the middle of nowhere in the woods, surrounded by trees in the day, an impenetrable blackness at night, and a sense of foreboding at all hours, but it would get even scarier still. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 5:16:55 gen. is due to обусловлен (Неприятный запах баранины во многом обусловлен жиром. -- is mostly due to the fat)
28.01.2024 5:16:55 gen. due to обусловлен (Неприятный запах баранины во многом обусловлен жиром. -- is mostly due to the fat)
28.01.2024 4:42:42 gen. roam about ходить (по ...; без определённой цели: Out-of-body experiences are a commonly reported effect of NDEs, such as roaming about in the hospital when undergoing surgery, or near the crash site of an accident. (coasttocoastam.com))
28.01.2024 4:41:00 gen. roam about бродить (по ...; без определённой цели: Out-of-body experiences are a commonly reported effect of NDEs, such as roaming about in the hospital when undergoing surgery, or near the crash site of an accident. (coasttocoastam.com) • The beast was in particular said to roam about an old abandoned mine reclamation site in the vicinity, and these sightings would continue on until as recently as 2010. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
28.01.2024 4:32:05 idiom. live in limbo жить в подвешенном состоянии (The Millers are now awaiting a hearing in February with the Residential Tenancy Branch to dispute the no-fault eviction. While they wait, they are trying to determine whether they should look for a new place, put their belongings in storage, or hope the arbitrator will rule in their favour. “We feel like we’re kind of living in limbo and we’ve been living in limbo since the middle of December,” Jennifer said. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
28.01.2024 4:29:23 real.est. no-fault eviction выселение арендаторов в отсутствие нарушений (A Metro Vancouver family is disputing a no-fault eviction notice they received from their landlord. Jennifer and Kristopher Miller received the eviction notice two weeks before Christmas. The document, viewed by CTV News, stated the reason for the eviction is due to their landlord’s family member occupying the unit – a claim the couple are questioning. (bc.ctvnews.ca) • The Millers are now awaiting a hearing in February with the Residential Tenancy Branch to dispute the no-fault eviction. While they wait, they are trying to determine whether they should look for a new place, put their belongings in storage, or hope the arbitrator will rule in their favour. “We feel like we’re kind of living in limbo and we’ve been living in limbo since the middle of December,” Jennifer said. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
28.01.2024 3:44:57 gen. feel comfortable чувствовать себя в своей тарелке (I’m driving in from Abby to meet up with some family around Vancouver, however I’m still newish to driving and don’t feel comfortable in city traffic, so my plan was to park in Burnaby in the morning, and just transit around. -- я только недавно научился водить и чувствую себя не в своей тарелке при сильном городском движении (Reddit))
28.01.2024 3:33:52 inf. hiring scene рынок занятости (напр., во городу или по отрасли: Has anyone recently felt the drop in the hiring scene? Been applying for jobs since last November, haven't even got an interview call! Is it just me or is anybody else feeling it? (Reddit))
28.01.2024 3:29:26 idiom. build from scratch построить на пустом месте (And since we're perfectionists, we build each and every grill from scratch – and we laser cut our grates in-house for heavy-duty reliability. • Renovations are more likely to discover unforeseen problems that were not detected before and require un-budgeted "change orders" to fix before proceeding. In other words, the cheaper renovation model could cost more money and time than the total "build from scratch". (burnabynow.com))
28.01.2024 3:25:07 gen. discover unforeseen problems вскрыть непредвиденные проблемы (I favour the full new build as it conserves that block of land for future uses. Renovations are more likely to discover unforeseen problems that were not detected before and require un-budgeted "change orders" to fix before proceeding. (burnabynow.com))
28.01.2024 3:22:33 account. exceed cost estimates by 50 percent превысить смету на 50 процентов (The current Council has regularly been exceeding cost estimates by at least 50 percent.)
28.01.2024 3:14:20 idiom. down the drain коту под хвост (о деньгах: "I feel bad for anyone who bought a season pass for this season." "I bought a season pass and yeah it sucks. $500 down the drain." (Reddit))
28.01.2024 2:56:18 cliche. let me double check сейчас проверю (Let me double check.)
28.01.2024 2:56:18 cliche. let me double check сейчас уточню (Let me double check.)
28.01.2024 2:53:41 rel., christ. convert heathens to Christianity обратить язычников в христианство (In the 6th century Dunwich was the seat of the first Christian Bishop of East Anglia, Felix of Burgundy, who crossed the Channel to convert the heathen inhabitants of East Anglia to Christianity. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
28.01.2024 0:57:27 real.est. prior to the contract finishing до истечения контракта (Prior to the contract finishing, Kristopher said, their landlord contacted them about increasing the rent. “He approached us saying that he wanted to raise the rent substantially by basically doubling our rent,” he said. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
28.01.2024 0:41:35 real.est. monthly rent payments ежемесячная арендная плата (The form, viewed by CTV News, shows the monthly rent payments at $3,500.)
28.01.2024 0:30:21 cliche. simply said проще говоря (Simply said, try your best not to take a large loss. Little ones are far better.)
28.01.2024 0:29:32 cliche. put simply проще говоря (Remarkably, Canada's expenditures were 22-per-cent higher than they were in the average universal-access developed country. Put simply, Canada maintains the most expensive universal access health care system among large industrialized countries.)

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