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отказ от сделки强调
一般 reneging on a deal (The town's mayor said yesterday that he was "gutted", and accused South Hams council of reneging on a deal made in April last year. The Lib Dems were furious; this was the Tory troops reneging on the deal and it hurt. UK Alexander Demidov); gazanging (о продавце недвижимости Anglophile)
欧洲复兴开发银行 gazumping (после достижения договорённости об условиях; (Br coll) предложение о покупке дома по более высокой цене при имеющемся соглашении продавца с другим покупателем. ORD. Reneging by the seller of a property on an agreement to sell. This is usually because of a higher offer by an alternative buyer. It is possible because of the existence of delays between an agreement to trade and the signing of a legally binding contract, and usually occurs when property prices are rising. Oxford Economics. During the 1980s, practices like gazumping gave the property business in England a bad name. CALD. Alexander Demidov); nullification; cancellation; termination (расторжение)
отказ от сделки: 10 短语, 7 学科
英国(用法,不是 BrE)1