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babel ['beɪb(ə)l] 名词强调
一般 галдёж; смешение языков; вавилонское столпотворение; постройка огромных размеров; неразбериха (a. : a confusion of sounds or voices b. : a scene of noise or confusion. MWCD – usually + of: a babel of languages a babel of street sounds. MWALD Alexander Demidov); гам (the sound of many voices talking at one time, especially when more than one language is being spoken From the Bible story in which God punished the people who were trying to build a tower to reach heaven (the tower of Babel) by making them unable to understand each others' languages. OALD. ▪ a babel of conflicting opinions ▪ She hushed the babel of her thoughts and tried to sleep. ▪ The village was a babel of accents from Ulster, London, Glasgow and Lancashire. LDOCE Alexander Demidov); свистопляс (1. A confused medley of sounds; meaningless noise. E16. Alan Ross Their words are a Babel whose meaning is plainThe shadow of Cain has been thrown on to Abel. Tolkien There was a hoot of snarling horns and a babel of baying voices. 2. A scene of confusion; a noisy assembly. E17. Swift: The whole babel of sectaries joined against the church. S. Gibbons: A babel broke out, in which Aunt Ada could dimly be discerned beating at everybody. SOED Alexander Demidov); бедлам (Супру); Вавилонская башня; сборище толпы
具象的 неурядица; бестолковщина
罕见/稀有 безугомонье (Супру); беспокой (Супру)
非正式的 содом (беспорядок, шум igisheva)
Babel ['beɪb(ə)l] 名词
一般 гигантское здание фантастический замысел; неосуществимый план; путаница; Вавилон
Игорь Миг, 圣经 шум и гам; разноголосица; суматоха
圣经 Вавилон (A city in Shinar where the building of a tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of tongues)
宗教 разгром; столпотворение; полная неразбериха; смешение языков (A city in Shinar where the building of a tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of tongues)
 英语 词库
BABEL ['beɪb(ə)l] 缩写
缩写, 人工智能 BABEL (Textgenerierungssystem)
: 24 短语, 9 学科