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一般 hardware; software
财政 software
环境 software
| utility routine
 utility routine
信息技术 数据处理 programma di servizio; programma di utilità
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形容词 | 名词 | 短语
software ['sɔftweə] 形容词
一般 hardware; software (Computer program or other media which require hardware for use to be made of them)
经济 software
财政 software (programma)
software Software is the general term used to describe all of the various programs that may be used on a computer system. Software can be divided into four main categories: systems software, development software, user interface software, applications software ['sɔftweə] 形容词
环境 software
 英语 词库
software ['sɔftweə] 名词
信息技术 Programs and supporting documentation that enable and facilitate use of the computer (Software controls the operation of the hardware and the processing of data)
医疗的 software
微软 Software (Instructions that make hardware work)
技术, 缩写 sftwe
缩写, 美国人 soft (ПО - программное обеспечение Val_Ships)
缩写, 行话 sftwr
缩写, 计算 sw (malder)
software utility
: 1 短语, 1 学科