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до фраз
четыре раза в деньнаголоси
мед. q.i.d. (mazurov); four times a day
мед., лат. quater in die (Quater in die (on prescription): Seen on a prescription, qid (or q.i.d.) means 4 times a day (from the Latin quater in die). The abbreviation qid or q.i.d. is also sometimes written without a period in capital letters as "QID". However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken. Vosoni)
фарм. QID (powergene); QDS (powergene)
фарм., лат. quarter in die
четыре раза в день: 4 фрази в 2 тематиках
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