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['bæləns] імен.
заг. ميزان   ؛تناسب   ؛موازنه   ؛باقی   ؛پاسنگ   ؛ترازو   ؛توازن   ؛دھڑا کرنا   ؛میزان
counterbalance ['bæləns] імен.
заг. توازن
Balance ['bæləns] імен.
комп., Майкр. بیلنس (A SmartArt graphic layout used to compare or show the relationship between two ideas. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to text at the top of one side of the center point. Emphasizes Level 2 text, which is limited to four shapes on each side of the center point. The balance tips towards the side with the most shapes containing Level 2 text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
 Англійський тезаурус
balance ['bæləns] скор.
абрев. bal
військ., абрев. blc
BALANCE ['bæləns] скор.
абрев., військ., авіац. basic and logically applied norms-civil engineering
: 3 фрази в 2 тематиках
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