
   Англійська Іспанська
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заг. en actividad; activo; eficaz
атом.ен. radiactivo
зв’яз. N10; U10
| microwave
довк. microondas; microondas
землезн. microonda
instrumenta tion
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іменник | прикметник | скорочення | до фраз
active ['æktɪv] імен.
заг. en actividad; activo n
зв’яз. N10; U10
active ['æktɪv] прикм.
заг. eficaz
атом.ен. radiactivo
комп., Майкр. activo (Pertaining to the device, program, file, record or portion of the screen that is currently operational or subject to command operations)
 Англійський тезаурус
active ['æktɪv] скор.
абрев. act. (voice Vosoni); jiggy (TimkinTut)
абрев., полім. act.
військ., абрев. ac; act
зв’яз. N10; U10
ACTIVE ['æktɪv] скор.
абрев. Achieving Competitiveness Through Innovation And Value Enhancement; All Communities Together In Various Exercises; All Companies Together In Various Exercises
абрев., військ. Advanced Control Technology for Integrated Vehicles
абрев., шотл.вир. Advanced Control Technology for Integrated Vehicles (USAF)
ACTIVE ['æktɪv] скор.
абрев., нафт. advanced components through increased volumetric efficiency
абрев., Індія Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification (companiesinn.com 13.05)
active microwave
: 4 фрази в 3 тематиках
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