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psychological supportнаголоси
авіац., мед. психологическая поддержка
бірж. психологическая поддержка (бирж. Andrew052)
 Англійський тезаурус
psychological support
військ., логіст. Set of actions based on the broadcasting of messages consisting in acting on feelings to lower or destroy psychological barriers and to create a climate favorable to the fulfillment of the mission. The psychological support includes 4 areas: 1. the force behavior; 2. the civil-military actions; 3. the psychological support; 4. Psy Ops. (FRA); Coordinated command actions aimed at helping the engaged forces carry out their missions on operations, with the integration of all the aspects of the human environment in order to avoid any psychological problem. This support requires medical competences as well as a social follow-up, and it is ensured on a permanent basis from the preparation of the personnel for the engagement until their return to the garrison. It concerns both the engaged element and the rear base. (FRA)
psychological support
: 7 фраз в 5 тематиках
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