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crew cut ['kru:kʌt]
заг. 坊主 ichi1 news2 nf28 (ぼうず); 房主 oK
n crew cut | n ['kru:kʌt]
заг. 角刈り; 角刈; GIカット
n crew-cut | n
заг. クルーカット (type of haircut); クルー・カット (type of haircut)
 Англійський тезаурус
crew cut ['kru:kʌt]
заг. a very short haircut usually for men or boys in which the hair resembles the bristle surface of a brush (On Friday, Deadline released behind-the-scenes images showing Chalamet on the set of the film, completely incognito with a top-heavy crew cut frosted with fiery reddish-orange tips. • Derek Colling is trim and muscular, with a blond crew cut that was, that day, covered by a dark beanie. merriam-webster.com); a closely cropped haircut for men, originating in the US (Word origin: from the style of haircut worn by the boat crews at Harvard and Yale Universities collinsdictionary.com)