
Slovak-German dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 256
Agriculture 843
Animal husbandry 137
Art 3
Astronautics 12
Banking 51
Book binding 3
Business 101
Chemistry 3.048
Coal 34
Commerce 372
Communications 993
Computers 19
Construction 232
Corporate governance 17
Criminal law 231
Cultural studies 53
Customs 114
Data processing 63
Demography 29
Earth sciences 269
Ecology 101
Economy 8.290
Education 341
Electronics 245
Employment 41
Energy industry 325
English 20
Environment 5.682
Finances 2.709
Fish farming pisciculture 288
Food industry 905
Forestry 3.765
General 4.487
Geography 440
Geophysics 5
Government, administration and public services 179
Health care 1.591
Hobbies and pastimes 67
Human rights activism 746
Immigration and citizenship 847
Industry 122
Information technology 663
Insurance 117
International law 68
International trade 83
Investment 26
Labor law 170
Labor organization 26
Latin American 6
Law 2.424
Leather 2
Life sciences 1.040
Mammals 59
Marketing 130
Materials science 56
Mechanic engineering 124
Medical 2.135
Metallurgy 72
Microsoft 7.667
Mineral products 69
Mining 4
Municipal planning 48
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 176
Natural sciences 275
Nautical 1
Nuclear and fusion power 27
Nuclear physics 84
Obsolete / dated 557
Oil / petroleum 22
Ornithology 55
Patents 117
Pharmacy and pharmacology 609
Physical sciences 163
Politics 1.674
Private international law 33
Procedural law 760
Psychology 1
Public relations 4
Religion 24
Research and development 68
Scientific 51
Security systems 19
Social science 672
Sociology 43
Statistics 442
Sugar production 67
Taxes 87
Technology 204
Textile industry 15
Trade unions 41
Transport 1.820
United Nations 185
Waste management 16
Wood processing 8
Work flow 39
Total: 61.424