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позбавлятися права
юр. forfeit of right; be denied a right; be deprived of a right; forfeit a right; lose a right
позбавляти права
общ. disentitle (на щось); disqualify; debar (from); deprive smb. of smb's right (кого-небудь); deprive someone of his right
воен. incapacitate
прав.чел. deprive of a right
юр. disable; disentitle; divest of right; rob smb. of his right (когось); rob smb. of his right (когось)
позбавляти когось права
юр. debar smb (from); deny smb a right; deny deprive a right; deny divest smb of a right
позбавляти прав
общ. imban; seclude
юр. disqualify; deprive of rights