
   Украинский Английский
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общ. apologetic; apologetical; defensive; defensory; guardant; preservative
биол. cryptic
поэт. fenceful
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общ. belt
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общ. culminant
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имен.фам. Rob
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к фразам
захисний прил.
общ. apologetic; apologetical; defensive; defensory; guardant; preservative; preventive; protective; vindicative; vindicatory; deterrent; guarding
биол. cryptic
нефт.газ. shielding
поэт. fenceful
"захисний" прил.
комп. wired (реалізований апаратними чи мікропрограмними засобами)
захисний MBR прил.
комп., Майкр. Protective MBR (The first sector of a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is structured like the first sector of a master boot record (MBR) disk to prevent x86-based disk utilities from destroying GPT partitions. The Protective MBR contains one partition that reserves the entire space used on the disk by GPT partitions)
захисний пояс
: 3 фразы в 1 тематике
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