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общ. cooperation; reciprocity; intercommunion; interplay; teamplay; team-up
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взаимодействие сущ.ударения
общ. cooperation (Thanks to the well-coordinated assignment and the exemplary cooperation of all teams, the plant was recommissioned after only 120 working hours.); reciprocity; intercommunion; interplay (I'm interested in the interplay between Latin and English. cambridge.org); teamplay; team-up; team-work; teamwork (с целью выполнения конкретной задачи); co-operation; reciprocality; engagement (with bookworm); liaising (Moscow Cat); professional engagement and interaction between... (for public-private partnerships (such as concessions) D Cassidy); interoperating (Быстров); convergence (M_P); synergy (Александр Рыжов); dealings (MargeWebley); flow of communication (In addition to generating information, the staff also manages the flow of communication within the unit and around it. 4uzhoj); feedback; consistency (ssn); liaison (some contexts Tanya Gesse); coordinated action (kee46); cross pattern (the cross pattern between the hemispheres of the brain ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik mutual support; interaction
авиац. encounter (вихря с ЛА); cross-coupling
авиац.мед. cross-stimulation; interactive effect
автомат. confunction; interworking (напр., элементов станка); interoperation (напр., рабочих станций; In engineering, interoperation is the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections. wiki. The Freespeech Platform is a VoiceXML-compliant middleware environment that controls and manages the interoperation of telephony hardware, voice applications and speech recognition engines. HeyAnita, Gold Partner For Voice Apps by Customer Interaction Solutions Alexander Demidov)
аэрогидр. coupling effect; mutual influence; mutual interference
биол. interlocking (между идентичными молекулами)
бур. interference; reaction
воен. concerted action; coordination; cohesion; cohesiveness; engagement; conjunction; unity of effort (cooperation and coordination among all forces towards a common objective LyuFi); team; liaison; interoperation; teamwork
воен., брон. linking-up
воен., комп. interoperability (Interoperability is the ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together (inter-operate). The term is often used in a technical systems engineering sense, or alternatively in a broad sense, taking into account social, political, and organizational factors that impact system to system performance. While interoperability was initially defined for IT systems or services and only allows for information to be exchanged (see definition below), a more generic definition could be this one: Interoperability is a property of a product or system, whose interfaces are completely understood, to work with other products or systems, present or future, without any restricted access or implementation. This generalized definition can then be used on any system, not only information technology system. WK Alexander Demidov)
воен., ОМП. interactive process (техническое)
дип. concert; interrelationship
ЕБРР. interfacing (raf); networking (oVoD)
защ.дан. interoperability
ИТ. interactive (акт или процесс)
каб. co-operation (согласованность действий)
клин.иссл. interaction (изменение силы воздействия одного переменного фактора на клинический исход, которое происходит под влиянием другого переменного фактора. В ходе РКИ проведение теста на взаимодействие позволяет выявить различие в размере эффекта между подгруппами Natalya Rovina)
комп. cooperating (ssn)
комп., Майкр. experience; collaboration (A collection of modeling elements that interact within a given context to perform an operation or a use case. The objects in a collaboration are roles describing types of objects rather than representations of the objects themselves)
комп.сет. handshaking; negotiation
контр.кач. interwork
космон. compatibility; cross coupling; intercoupling; interacting
Макаров. contacting; coupling (напр., физиологических механизмов, факторов); intimate contact (продукта с упаковкой); transaction
мат. mutual effect; coordinate action; internal action or reciprocal action; interaction (our approach to the study of interaction of the mediums)
маш. connecting box
мед. correlation; sympathy; intercourse; reciprocal interaction (MichaelBurov); interface
мех. cooperativeness; cross impact; interworking relationship
мор. change; intersection
нано. cross-coupling effect
нефт. interreaction
нефт.газ., сахал. interaction (between the Molikpaq and waves; между Моликпак и волнами)
нефт.газ., тенгиз. synergies (Sergopol)
нефт.газ.тех. reciprocal influence (залежей; источник: словарь Извекова); reciprocal influence (залежей; источник: словарь Извекова)
пож. mutual aid (напр., пожарных частей или служб)
прогр. orchestration (SirReal); collaboration (ssn); interconnection (ssn)
рекл. intimate contact
сейсм. interplay
СМИ. comms; homing
спорт. chemistry (VLZ_58); connectivity ("Tonight we were just tighter. We had more connectivity as a group. I think our guys understood what an important game this was," Snyder said. VLZ_58)
стр. mutual interaction; mutual reaction; reciprocal action; interworking (частей)
текст. overlap
телеком. internal action; communicating (oleg.vigodsky)
тепл. interworking (частей машины)
тех. communication; coupling; communications; team work (работников в коллективе)
упак. co-action (of treatment and meat surface, состава и поверхности фарша)
хим. interreacting; interaction; π (buraks); (buraks)
эк. collaborative engagement (совместное взаимодействие Rus-Eng Translator)
экол. interrelation; interworking
эконометр. cross-product (парное)
эл. acquisition (напр. с периферийными устройствами); couple
pn-взаимодействие сущ.
выс.энерг. proton-neutron interaction; pn-interaction
взаимодействие A c B сущ.
Макаров. interaction between A and B; A-B interaction
тактическое взаимодействие сущ.
НАТО. tactical control (Россия-НАТО в СВС)
взаимодействия сущ.
прогр. interactions (абстракция ассоциаций ssn)
L-S-взаимодействие сущ.
эл. L-S interaction; spin-orbital interaction
тесное взаимодействие сущ.
воен. teamplay
COM-взаимодействие сущ.
комп., Майкр. COM interop (A service that enables .NET Framework objects to communicate with COM objects)
химическая взаимодействие сущ.
мет. reaction
π-π-взаимодействие сущ.
орг.хим. π-π interaction (iwona)
химическое взаимодействие сущ.
СМИ. reciprocity
взаимодействие сущ.
геофиз. mutual action
 Русский тезаурус
взаимодействие сущ.
общ. философская категория, отражающая процессы воздействия объектов друг на друга, их взаимную обусловленность и порождение одним объектом другого. Взаимодействие - универсальная форма движения, развития, определяет существование и структурную организацию любой материальной системы. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
взаимодействие, нарушающее
: 3 фразы в 1 тематике