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false-flag operationударения
false flag attack
воен., спецсл. провокация (для создания повода для нападения и т. п.: The suspicious events surrounding these bombings lead many researches to conclude that they were false flag operations perpetrated by the FSB, the successor of the Committee for State Security (KGB), as an excuse to resume military activities in Chechnya and bring Vladimir Putin and the FSB to power. • Litvinenko, who authored a book which contained information describing the apartment bombings as false flag operations, would eventually die of radiation sickness. • At the same time, the Russian destabilization campaign has begun, the official said, with Russia accusing Ukraine of genocide in Donbas, conducting false flag operations, and more. • Boris Johnson has claimed the shelling of a nursery school in the Donbas region of Ukraine by Russian-backed separatists was a “false-flag operation” aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian government. theguardian.com); операция под чужим флагом (wikipedia.org Leana); действие под чужим флагом (тайные операции, осуществляемые с целью убедить общественность в том, что эти операции проводятся другими организациями или государствами; см. wikipedia.org AlexanderKayumov); операция под ложным флагом (wikipedia.org)
false -flag operation
: 2 фразы в 1 тематике
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