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SS сокр.
общ. SS; 親衛隊; 浮遊物質 (suspended solids, ふゆう・ぶっしつ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 浮遊固型物濃度 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n SS | n сокр.
общ. 信号強度 (しんごう・きょうど)
 Английский тезаурус
ss сокр.
общ. sections (The following abbreviations should be used in pinpoint references to a treaty: Article (art); Articles (arts); Section (s); Sections (ss); Subsection (sub-s); Subsections (sub-ss); Paragraph (para); Paragraphs (paras); Schedule (sch); Schedules (schs); Appendix (app). Example: Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, opened for signature 25 March 1957, 298 UNTS 11, art 85(1) (entered into force 1 January 1958). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_International_law Alexander Demidov)
муз. soprano sax (сопрано-саксофон www.perevod.kursk.ru)
сокр. same size; scilicet (Anglophile); small shuttle
сокр., мед. a half; side to side
сокр., мед., лат. semis
сокр., тех. single sideband modulator
сокр., эк. sworn statement; steamer; sale; sales
ss. сокр.
сокр. slow-setting emulsion
сокр., бейсб. shortstop
сокр., бур. sands
сокр., эк. steamship
юр. scirelicet
SS сокр.
воен. shell shock
воен., ООН., бухг. security service
воен., сокр. satellite system; sector scanning; security squadron; selective service; sensing system; service school; service squadron; service support; sharpshooter; shelf stock; ship station; ship system; ship-to-ship; ship-to-shore; short service; shortstop; signal security; simulation system; single-seated; single-shot; smoke shell; sound system; source of supply; source selection; space system; special service; special staff; special strike; special study; spin-stabilized; stabilized system; staff sergeant; staff specialist; staff surgeon; station supervision; steering system; stock status; strategic study; submarine scout; subsystem; summary sheet; supply sergeant; supply service; supply station; support services; support ship; support squadron; support system; surface-to-surface; surveillance station; system sensitivity; system simulation; system specifications
метеор., сокр. space surveillance; sandstorm
нефт.газ., сокр. sanitary sewer
сокр. spread spectrum; scalar meson theory with scalar coupling; screw steamer; side sewn; single-seat; single-signal; single stage; slow shear; soapsuds; Spectrographic Society; standard substance; stationary service; superscription; switch; symmetric stretching; succinylsulfathiazole; Saturday, Sunday; Self Serving; at steady state (в стабильном состоянии Acruxia); illuminating (projectiles); Sadly Stupid; Sakura Station; solar system; space sciences; space shuttle; space station; special services; standard frequency station; steamship; submarine studies; supersonic; semisteel; service sink; ship service; slop sink; smokestand; spin-stabilized (rockets); straight shank; summing selector; Single Sided (disk, FDD); Special Someone; suspended solids (в биоочистке aez); Stack Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler); Switching System (SMDS)
сокр., авиац. speed schedule; service standard; spares support; static strength; stick shaker; strength specification; support service; support specification; system schematics; system specification; seats sold; sliding scale; safety speed; samples per second; sandwich structure; sector scan; sector search; self setting; semimonocoque structure; separation system; shock stall; signalling system; silk screen; single seated; sky/shading; slat station; sloping surface; slow slew; snow ski; sonic speed (speed of sound); sound suppressor; space sounding; specification for structures; specification standards; specification statement; speed segments; speed of sound; spin stabilized; spindle speed; spiral scan; spring steel; standard scaling; stock size; structural strength; structure supplier; structural synthesis; suggested spare; surface scraping; synchro scope; system status mode; system summary; systems simulation
сокр., авто. Super Sport (модификация автомобилей Chevrolet Vicomte); speed sensor (Honda); safety sensor; sequential shift gearbox; shift solenoid; single shaft; sport sedan; spring strut; standard spark plug; standing start; Super Sports
сокр., автомат. single-side
сокр., анат. sigmoid sinus (сигмовидный синус твёрдой мозговой оболочки doc090)
сокр., бизн. saline soak; sightseeing; social science; social service; social survey; Specification for Structure
сокр., бур. sandstone
сокр., воен. smoke screen; star shell; Single Source; submarine; Silver Star; Sinking Ship; System Support
сокр., воен., ОМП. safety shower; Selector switch
сокр., вред. water soluble powder for seed treatment
сокр., ген. systematic sclerosis
сокр., геол. sand-stone
сокр., геофиз. sonic scanner (MichaelBurov)
сокр., ж/д. signalling set; signal station
сокр., землевед. sargasso sea; scapolite skarn; selective smoothing; shock sub; simultaneous solution (method); single-spectrum; special sensor; spring-summer; standard sample; stationary satellite; statistical standards; stream sediment; subsurface water; Sudbury Structure; Summer South Polar; surface synoptic; surveying service
сокр., инт. Same Subject
сокр., ИТ. Screen Saver; single sided; stack segment; safety stock
сокр., картогр. saints; substation; side of stream
сокр., клин.иссл. safety set (рандомизированные субъекты, получившие, по меньшей мере, одну дозу исследуемого препарата, которые учитываются при анализе данных по безопасности coltuclu)
сокр., комп.сет. speed switch; spatial stream (Cheater)
сокр., комп.сет., ИТ. Server Side
сокр., контр.кач. sample size
сокр., косм. satellite switching; single side band; single slotted; space science; spaceship; Space Support; stratospheric sounder; sun synchronous orbit; systems simulation; system supervisor
сокр., космон. Space Segment (semfromshire)
сокр., мат., науч. Sum of Squares
сокр., маш. screw socket; single suspension
сокр., мед. Short Stocky (тип телосложения (антропометрия) Ying); Seckel Syndrome; Sickle Cell; Sjogren's syndrome (Vosoni); suspended solids; social security (Ying); saliva sample; second stage; servosystem; siblings; stable state; staccato syndrome; standard score; static stability; sterile solution; substernal; SRIF
сокр., мет. structural steel (Technical)
сокр., мол.ген. single strand
сокр., назв.лек. Saline solution
сокр., нефт. sandy sparite; saturated solution; scoured surface; sea surface; seal surface; seam to seam; seaward slope; seaward stepping; sections; seismic spectrum; seismo-stratigraphy; semi-steel; semi-submerged; semi-submersible; sequence switch; service station; shale shaker; shallow sea deposit; shear strength; sheer strake; shipboard search; shipside; short space (detector); short spacing (spaced); short string; side by side; signal selector; signed and sealed; simultaneous solution; single shot; sleeve stabilizer; sliding sleeve; sour gas and oil service; source statement; south syncline; sparingly soluble; special series; Special Session; special subjects; special survey; spectro-system; speed select; standard specifications; standardized solution; starboard side; starting shot; start/stop; statistical standard; stearyl stearate; stopping switch; strand plain system; strike slip; sulfate surfactant; sulfonate surfactant; super quench oil; superspeed; surface soil; suspended solids; sweep speed for waveform/VDL variable density log loop; switches; synthetic seismogram; synthetic surfactant; diamond core slicer; sands; self sharpening (andrushin); string shot; subsea (andrushin); reflected wave; semisubmersible; slow set; small show; subsurface
сокр., нефт.газ., касп. sub surface (raf)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. sanitary sewer (system); Synthetic Surfactants
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.а. safety switch
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.р. sole source
сокр., обр. Social Studies
сокр., ООН. Short Story
сокр., опт. single scattering
сокр., пласт. single-stage resin
сокр., ПО. software system (igisheva)
сокр., полим. sliced sheet; solid solution; supersensitive; smoked sheet; stainless steel; superheated steam; superqensitive
сокр., почв. shifting sand
сокр., прогр. slave select (ssn)
сокр., радио., науч. Signal Strength
сокр., рел. Sunday School
сокр., с/х. supersensitiveness
сокр., сист.без., ИТ. System Security
сокр., СМИ. Sesame Street
сокр., советск. Supreme Soviet (igisheva)
сокр., спорт. special stage
сокр., текст. standard size; subject to sale; short stick
сокр., телеком. session service; subscriber's set; switching selector
сокр., тех. set screw (aptr); suspended solid; Secret Service; steam ship
сокр., торг. Somali shilling
сокр., ф.расш. Screen saver (DN Vosoni); Seconds
сокр., физ., науч. Secondary Structure
сокр., физиол. Sicca Syndrome; Straight Supportive
сокр., физиол., мед. One Half
сокр., фин. sudden stop
сокр., хим. suspended solids (olga garkovik)
сокр., хим., науч. Second Series
сокр., ЦБ. state-own shareholder
сокр., шотл.выр. Attack Submarine; Search Unit (China); Simulator System; Sunset
сокр., эк. store ship
сокр., экол. somatostatin
сокр., эл. start-stop (transmission); electrostatic focusing and electrostatic deflection (electron beam system); scanning spectrometer; sum of squares (value); scanning speed; science satellite; searching state; secondary send; secondary server; secondary storage; secure server; security server; security status; selective signaling; select or switch; self-service; self-supporting; self-synchronizing; self-synchronous; serial scan; service signal; shared shelf; short supply; signaling set; signaling system; simulation supervisor; simultaneous sampling; single shift; single star; silence suppression; site server; skywave synchronization; slide show; small signal; soft-start; spacecraft switching; space simulator; spectral selection; speech store; speed shutter; spherically symmetric; spin stabilizer; spot separation; spot size; sputtering speed; stabilization system; stabilized screen; start of special sequence; step-and-scan (mask aligner); step-by-step; stepping switch; style sheets; subscan; subscriber selector; subscriber station; subsystem status; super scalar; super shift; supervision station; supplementary service; supplementary style; surface state; surface states model; switching satellite; switching bussystem; synchroscope; system service; system simulator; system supportability
сокр., эл., науч. Steady State
сокр., эл.тех. steam station; switching state; supply system; switching surge; switching station
сокр., яд.физ. sequential scintigraphy
Союз-Апол., сокр. solar sensor
театр., сокр. Sidestep
тех., воен., авиац. safety supervisor
тех., сокр. safe shutdown; safety significant; sample sink; sample station; samples-per-second; sampling system; satellite spectroscopy; secondary station; security subsystem; shift supervisor; side slope; sight setter; signal service; signal strength; single sideband; single signal; single-sided; site safety; site specific; site suitability; sliding short; slow speed; slow-speed relay; solar spectrograph; solar spectroscopy; solid-state; space track sensor; special source; spheric strokes-per-second; spread spectrum signal; standard specification; standard-frequency station; star scanner; stellar sensor; stellar spectrograph; stellar spectroscopy; subscriber set; sun sensor; superheater section; system software; system survivability; system synchronization; systems specialist
физиол., сокр. Sacrosciatic
энерг., сокр. safe-secure; safeguards and security; safety significance; safety system; sample splitting; scintillation spectrometer; scram system; secondary system; selective surface; signal selection; silica sand; slag screen; solid state; spray system; standby sensitivity; standstill; starting sequence; starting success; steam separator; straight section; supervisory shutdown; supervisory startup; surveillance specimens; switching sequence
SS. сокр.
сокр., лат. Sancti ("saints"); Sanctorum ("of the saints"); Scriptores ("writers")
тех. sections
Ss сокр.
сокр. shear stress; signallers
сокр., нефт. specific surface area
SS number сокр.
сокр., воен. sea state (number)
ß сокр.
сокр., стом. Я-tricalcium phosphate (MichaelBurov)