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назв.орг. Division du commerce et des marchés
obligatoire | dans
мет. cuffat à eau
tous | ses
фарма. Statut socio-économique
| elements
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стр. tranche modulaire
et directement | applicable
трансп. англ. applicable
| dans
мет. cuffat à eau
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 Английский тезаурус
LE сокр.
воен. laboratory equipment; laboratory evaluation; launch emplacement; launch equipment; law enforcement; life expectancy; light equipment; limits of error; logistics evaluation; low efficiency; low explosive
сокр. ком. low efficiency; Lance Ethernet; Layout Editor; Life Experience; Limited Edition; Limited Expense; Line Entry; Labor Exchange; LAN Emulation (LANE, ATM); Lands End, Inc. (now de-listed, acquired by Sears); Large End; Left Eye, Lower Extremity; legal entitiy (Ася Кудрявцева); Legal Entity (REACH (предложено Alviko) Karabas); Lemon Experiences; lifting eye; Local Exchange (ISDN); Lodestar Entertainment; Logic Element; Lunatic End; Lupus Erythematosis; less-than or equal to
сокр., авиац. lighting equipment; Lambert engineering; launching equipment; legal commission; light energy; light engine; light excitation; limited effectively; log entry
сокр., бизн. liberalization of exchange
сокр., воен. low-order explosives; liaison element; Life Extension; Locally Engaged
сокр., землевед. Lagrangian Elements; Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach (LEZOOM Without Zooming); landscape elements; Livre sterling Egyptian; local equilibrium; low elevation
сокр., ИТ. Line Edit; Linear Executable; List Element; Local Expansion; Low End
сокр., комп.сет. LAN emulation
сокр., косм. laser engineering; launch escape
сокр., мед. Left Eye; Lower Extremities; Lupus Erythematosus; lower extremity; lupus erythematosus; left ear
сокр., науч. latest estimate (MichaelBurov)
сокр., нефт. laboratory equipment; labour exchange; latent energy; layout engineering; lease; left extremity; less than or equal to; Lewis number; lift efficiency; lifting eyes; logical element; lifting efficiency
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. Latest Estimate (Sakhalin Energy)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.р. local exchange
сокр., обр., науч. Lab Exercise
сокр., онк. leading edge therapy (tothestarlight)
сокр., полит. Lebanon
сокр., почв. levee
сокр., прогр., ИТ. Leading Edge
сокр., сист.без., ИТ. Line Encryption
сокр., СМИ. Low Edition
сокр., тех. leading edge
сокр., трансп. Low Emission; Luxury Edition
сокр., ф.расш. Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender); Less or Equal
сокр., фарма. Long-Evans (линия крыс, см. Long-Evans rats Игорь_2006)
сокр., физ., науч. Low Energy
сокр., физиол. Lower Extremity
сокр., физиол., мед. Life Expectancy; Lip Extension
сокр., фин. Egyptian Pound
сокр., хим.пром. light ends (Paul_K)
сокр., шотл.выр. Lebanon (NATO country code); Logistics Executive (British Army; A)
сокр., эл. Lagrange equation; latch enable; linear equalizer; line equipment; linkage editor; link encryption; listener echo loss; localized exciton; longitudinally excited; loop extender; low-end (product); lumped element
сокр., юр. Law Enforcement
тех. laser engine; lead engineer; limit of error; liquid explosive; luminous efficiency
энерг. leading engineer; left end
le сокр.
сокр. equivalent plate thickness; left eye
сокр., спорт. left end
Le сокр.
сокр. electrode length
сокр., землевед. levyne
le. сокр.
сокр. league
Le. сокр.
сокр., землевед. ledge
: 74 фразы в 11 тематиках
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