
   Английский Датский
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ИТ. тех. kerneprogram
мед.-биол. cellekerne; nucleus
мет. kerne
пром. стр. мет. kim
of the | optic tract
 optic tract
мед. tractus opticus
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nucleus ['nju:klɪəs] сущ.
ИТ., тех. kerneprogram
мед.-биол. cellekerne; nucleus
мет. kerne
пром., стр., мет. kim
хим. atomkerne
 Английский тезаурус
nucleus ['nju:klɪəs] прил.
воен., логист. Main part of a permanent staff, composed of the chief of staff, the personnel, equipment and information system permitting to ensure the main functions at the level of the considered staff. In the case of the implementation of a contingency operational CP, this projectable hardcore permits to immediately obtain the coherence and efficiency of staff work, based on a permanent backbone. (FRA)
мед. A membrane-bound structure containing a cell's chromosomes. All eukaryotes all organisms except bacteria and viruses have a nucleus. см. также chromosome
nucleus of the
: 3 фразы в 2 тематиках