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genetic resource
ген. 遗传资源
с/х. 遗传资源
тех. 基因资源; 种质资源
genetic resource The gene pool in natural and cultivated stocks of organisms that are available for human exploitation. It is desirable to maintain as diverse a range of organisms as possible, particularly of domesticated cultivars and their ancestors, in order to maintain a wide genetic base. The wider the genetic base, the greater the capacity for adaptation to particular environmental conditions
окруж. 遗传资源 (可供人类开发的自然和耕种作物的基因库。为了维持一个广泛的遗传基础库,其中的不同类型的生物越多越好,特别是家养品种和他们的原种。基础库的范围越广,适应特定的环境条件的能力就越大。)
genetic resource
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
ООН Организация Объединенных Наций1