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do fraz
lutte contre la pollution
ekon. pollution control measures
ochr.środ. pollution abatement; pollution control; pollution control measure; measures for the abatement of pollution; pollution control Chemical and physical methods to lessen discharges of most pollutants; for carbon dioxide there is, at present, no economic or practical way to reduce the quantities discharged except by reduced fossil fuel usage. Most specific means for removing pollutants from emissions include flue-gas desulphurisation, fluidised combustion, catalytic converters and the redesign of equipment, such as furnace burners and car engines, to lessen the production of pollutants
zasob. antipollution (measures)
lutte contre la pollution
: 71 do fraz, 10 tematyki
Nazwa organizacji1
Ochrona środowiska40
Opieka zdrowotna1
Organizacja narodów zjednoczonych8
Zasoby naturalne i ochrona dzikiej przyrody5