
   Angielski Chiński
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posp. ; 来源
elektrown. 源头; 源点
hutn. 起源; 原因; 成因
plan. 始点; 根据
półprz. 源区
| of
| mechanical
techn. 机械的
- znaleziono osobne słowa

rzeczownik | rzeczownik | skrót | do fraz
source [sɔ:s] rzecz.
posp. ; 来源
amat. 电源; 功率
dzienn. 消息提供者
ekon. 税源
elektrown. 源头; 源点; 源泉
gen. 放射源
geofiz. 信号
geolog. 震源
hutn. 起源; 原因; 成因
lotn. 数据源; 资源
mark. 信息来源
mater. 震源地震勘探中释放能量激发地震波的材料或装置,如空气枪、炸药等
mot. 声,电,光,能,水
nauka o z. 水源
oceanogr. 河源
plan. 始点; 根据
praw. 渊源
progr. 起源站
rekl. 消息来源
roln. 原始材料; [代谢]源
techn. 源地; 发送端
telekom. 源程序; 发端; 信源; 信息源; 信号源; 光源; 场效应管源极
wierc. 能源
zarz. 出处; 原始资料; 提供消息者
β-source rzecz.
chem. β 源
electric source [sɔ:s] rzecz.
masz. 电源
α-source rzecz.
chem. α 源
γ-source rzecz.
chem. γ 源
source of a field-effect transistor [sɔ:s] rzecz.
półprz. 源区 场效应晶体管的
source [sɔ:s] rzecz.
posp. 来,起,本,根; 电〔光,能〕源; 泉〔水〕 源; 动力〔信号〕源; 离子〔放射,辐射〕源; 起始; 电源的; 源头〔泉,极〕; ; 原始资料 文件7辐射体发生器
archit. 本源
ekon. 根源
komput. 电源
zarządz. 广告信息来源
 Angielski tezaurus
source [sɔ:s] skr.
skr. so
skr., mult. International information support centre
stan. A person, thing, or activity from which information is obtained. zob. też agent, collection agency; In clandestine activities, a person agent, normally a foreign national, in the employ of an intelligence activity for intelligence purposes. zob. też agent, collection agency; In interrogation activities, any person who furnishes information, either with or without the knowledge that the information is being used for intelligence purposes (JP 2-01) zob. też agent, collection agency
wojsk., logist. In intelligence usage, person or thing from which intelligence information/clue are obtained. A source is either open or secret, depending on whether one can name it or not, without running the risk of compromising it. (FRA)
wojsk., skr. sce
SOURCE [sɔ:s] skr.
skr., elektron. simulation of utilization resource, cost and efficiency
Source [sɔ:s] rzecz.
progr., skr. S
skr., rozsz. .src (file name extension)
SOURCE [sɔ:s] skr.
skr. Sovereign Omnilord Of Unanimous Regency And Caliber Excaliper
skr., eduk., nauk. Students Organized For Using Resources Conscientiously And Efficiently
skr., poczt. Source or origin of mail (MODS report abbreviation)
wojsk. simulation of utilization of resources, cost, and efficiency
source of mechanical
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki