
   Angielski Angielski
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 Angielski tezaurus
TDO skr.
przem. total delay in opening
skr. Table of Denial Orders; Taxpayer District Office; Teen Dance Ordinance; Temporarily Denial Order; The Devious One; Technical Data Office; time-delay opening; Tiny Dicked One
skr., biochem. tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (Игорь_2006)
skr., bizn. transhipment delivery order
skr., broń. technical directive order
skr., bryt.ang. training developments office; training developments officer
skr., elektron. time delay opening
skr., fizj., med. Tricho- Dento- Osseous Syndrome
skr., intern. The Defiant Ones; TodaysDomainOnline.com; Town Directories Online
skr., lotn. tool design order
skr., med. Tricho-dento-osseous (syndrome); Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
skr., policj. Training Development Officer
skr., polim. transverse direction orientation (bajituka)
skr., progr. Test Data Out (test data output ssn)
skr., publ. The Daily Objectivist
skr., sieć., technol. Total Digital Office
skr., szkoc.ang. Tactical Deception Officer
skr., technol. Typed Data Object
skr., urządz. three-dimensional optometer
skr., wojsk. Tactical Data Officer; Transaction Data Object
skr., znak. The Design Office, Inc.; Tobacco Documents Online
techn. technical development objectives; time delay open
transp. telegraph delivery order
wojsk. technical development objective; technical directive, ordnance
tdo skr.
skr. tornado
skr., elektron. test data output