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whale [weɪl] rzecz.
ekon. wieloryb m
ochr.środ. walenie
zool. wal m
whaling Catching whales to use as food or for their oil, etc. Whales are the largest mammals still in existence. They are caught mainly for their oils, though in some case for food. Some species of whale have become extinct because of overexploitation and the population of many of the existing species is dangerously low. Commercial whaling is severely restricted ['weɪlɪŋ] czas.
ochr.środ. połowy wielorybów (połowy wielorybów w celu zdobycia pożywienia, oleju itp.)
whales czas.
hodowl. wale płetwale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata, Balaenoptera borealis, Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenoptera physalus, Eschrichtius glaucus, Megaptera novaeanglia, Physeter catodon)
 Angielski tezaurus
Whale [weɪl] rzecz.
żarg. A-3 plane
WHALE [weɪl] skr.
skr., ochr.środ. We Have A Little Emergency
: 40 do fraz, 6 tematyki
Hodowla ryb hodowla ryb20
Nauki o życiu14
Ochrona środowiska2
Zasoby naturalne i ochrona dzikiej przyrody1