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[grɪp] rzecz.
transp., bud. nusitvérti m
to grip [grɪp] rzecz.
transp., mor. turė́ti m
 Angielski tezaurus
grip [grɪp] rzecz.
kino. In the USA, a grip is a skilled person responsible for the set up, adjustment and maintenance of production equipment on the set. Their typical duties involve camera movement, lighting refinement, and mechanical rigging. In the UK, grips work exclusively with equipment that the camera is mounted on. Contrast with swing gang, see also key grip.
GRIP [grɪp] skr.
skr., elektron. Grandmet information processing; graphics interactive programming
skr., krio. Greenland Ice-core Project
skr., wojsk., lotn. GPS rangeless instrumentation pod
GRIPS skr.
skr., elektron. global real-time integrated payment scheme
GRIP [grɪp] skr.
inwest., skr. guaranteed recovery of investment principal
skr. Gallatin Responsive Interventions Partnership; Generic Remote Invocation Protocol; Global Risk Identification Program (World Bank Sukhopleschenko); Grass Roots Improvement Process
skr., nauka o z. Greenland ice-core drilling project
skr., nazw. Gross Revenue Insurance Plan
skr., przestrz. Gravity Recovery Instrument for Planets
skr., ropa / r. geological reporting and information processing
skr., wojsk. Global Positioning System Rangeless Instrumentation Pod
: 3 do fraz, 2 tematyki

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