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n key | n [ki:] czas.
posp. 基幹 news1 nf15; ichi1 news1 nf18 (かぎ); ; 虎の巻 (to a diagram); 虎巻 (to a diagram); 調子 ichi1 news1 nf05 (chōshi); 秘訣 ichi1 news2 nf42 (e.g. to success); 秘決 ik (e.g. to success); 手掛かり ichi1 news1 nf12; 手がかり; 手掛り; 手懸かり; 手懸り; 基軸 news1 nf16; 調 (ちょう); あんちょこ (to a diagram); 管鑰; 管籥; 妙諦 (to understanding); 車知 (しゃち)
komp. キー入力 (input)
key [ki:] czas.
posp. 急所 ichi1 news2 nf40 (of a problem); 螺子 (of a clock, watch, etc., ねぢ); 捻子 ichi2 (of a clock, watch, etc., ねじ); 捩子 (of a clock, watch, etc.); 螺旋 (of a clock, watch, etc., らせん)
bud. (かぎ); キー (kī)
micr. キー (In IP security (IPSec), a value used in combination with an algorithm to encrypt or decrypt data. Key settings for IPSec are configurable to provide greater security, kī)
techn. 込栓 (こみせん); 飼楔 (かいくさび); (かんざし)
Key [ki:] czas.
nadan. ケイ
 Angielski tezaurus
KEY [ki:] skr.
skr. Kids Empowerment And You; Kiwanis Educates Youth
skr., eduk. Keep Educating Youth; Kindergarten Enrichment Year
skr., giełd. Keycorp
skr., lotn. Kericho, Kenya
skr., polit. Kerry, Edwards, And You
skr., rozsz. Archive .key-file (OS/2); Usually registration key (Vosoni); Security file (including Registration information); Datafile (Forecast Pro)
skr., technol. Archive.key-file; Keyboard macros
key [ki:] rzecz.
kino. A general adjective denoting importance.
micr. Key (In an array, the field by which stored data is organized and accessed)
Key [ki:] skr.
skr., ropa / r. Keystone
: 2 do fraz, 1 tematyki