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UTC skr.
micr. UTC (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet); hora UTC (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
 Angielski tezaurus
UTC skr.
meteorol. universal time civil
przem. unit-thermal cost
skr. Under The Counter; Union Treiste Catalan; Universal Time Code; Universel Temps Coordonne; Urban Traffic Control; Universal Coordinated Time (a.k.a. UT); United Technology Corporation
skr., astron., nauk. Universal Time Coordinate
skr., astronaut. Universal coordinated time
skr., chem. uranyl tricarbonate
skr., eduk., nauk. University Towne Centre
skr., ekon. coordinated universal time code
skr., elektron. United Telephone Company; unit time coding; universal time chiming; Utilities Telecommunications Council
skr., giełd. U. S. Trust Corporation
skr., komp. Universal Time Constant (Nevermind6662)
skr., lotn. unit training center
skr., makar. unit thermal cost
skr., meteorol. Universal Time Coordinates
skr., mor., nauk. Universal Time Coordinated
skr., obron. coordinate universal time
skr., opt. universal time corrected
skr., pola n. unit technical cost (Yakov F.)
skr., praw. Uniform Trust Code (ВВладимир)
skr., progr. Coordinated Universal Time (ssn)
skr., przem. actual time (MichaelBurov); Universal Time Coordinated (MichaelBurov)
skr., przestrz. United Technologies Corporation; United Technology Center
skr., radio coordinated universal time
skr., ropa / r. Underwater Technology Conference; unit technical costs; Universe Tankship Corporation; upgoing traveling velocity
skr., sport Unreal Tournament Classes
skr., stat. universal time coordinated
skr., szkoc.ang. Unified Transport Command; United Technologies Corp. (USA)
skr., techn. universal transverse Mercator grid
skr., technol. Universal time Coordinated
skr., wojsk. Unit Type Code; unit type code
skr., znak. Uniroyal Technology Corporation; United Transformer Corporation
techn. universal test console