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[bɪt] rzecz.
micr. ბიტი (The smallest unit of information handled by a computer. One bit expresses a 1 or a 0 in a binary numeral, or a true or false logical condition. A group of 8 bits makes up a byte, which can represent many types of information, such as a letter of the alphabet, a decimal digit, or other character)
 Angielski tezaurus
bit [bɪt] rzecz.
mor. bitt (вк)
skr. binary digit
skr., elektron. binary unit
skr., ropa / r. bitumen; bituminous
technol., techn. bit; shannon
bit. skr.
skr., nauka o z. bitumen
BIT [bɪt] skr.
skr. built-in testing; Basic Interconnection Test (ISO 9646-1); Bradford Institute of Technology; British Institute of Welding
skr., eduk., nauk. Baran Institute of Technology; Beijing Institute Of Technology; Biomedical Informatics Tutorial; Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
skr., elektron. binary information transfer; Bipolar Integrated Technology Inc.; bipolar transistor; bump interconnection technology
skr., fiz., nauk. Bulk Ion Temperature
skr., fiz.jądr. book inventory taking
skr., fizj., med. Bitartrate
skr., intern. Because It's Time
skr., komp. built-in testing (MichaelBurov)
skr., lotn. builtin test; bulk inclusive tour
skr., med. Burp In Transit (gas Seen In The Stomach On An Abdominal Film)
skr., mot. best injection timing; board information terminal
skr., obron. binary information transmission
skr., polit. Bilateral investment treaty (between China and USA Val_Ships)
skr., progr., technol. Business And Information Technology
skr., ropa / r. balanced isolation tool (andrushin)
skr., rozsz. Bitmap graphics
skr., sieć. Brain Intelligence Test (Artjaazz); binary information transfer; Broadband Infrastructure Technology
skr., szkoc.ang. Built-In Test
skr., technol. Bitmap graphics; Bitmap Image Touchup
skr., wojsk. built-in test; Binary digit; Built In Test
skr., wojsk., lotn. base information protection
techn. boron injection tank
Bit [bɪt] skr.
skr. BInary digiT; bitumen; bituminous
BITS [bɪt] rzecz.
handel., skr. Bilateral Investment Treaty (ies)
BIT [bɪt] skr.
skr., lotn. built in test
skr., polit. Bilateral investment treat (between China and USA Val_Ships)
skr., przestrz. built-in-test
skr., ropa / r. basic information tape; before income tax; bench integration test; bilateral investment treaty; bit position
: 3 do fraz, 1 tematyki

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