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HPD abbr.stresses
abbr. блокировка пуска при нажатой педали газа (high pedal disable; погрузчики Cooper_US)
engin. двигатель высокой габаритной мощности (High Power Density Oleksandr Spirin)
Gruzovik, mil. защита объектов от действия ядерного взрыва (hard point defense)
sec.sys. Средство защиты слуха (hearing protection device Mia_Wallace)
stat. наивысшей апостериорной плотности (highest posterior density Nicholasx)
 English thesaurus
HPD abbr.
abbr. high PRF pulse Doppler signal; Horizontal Polar Diagram; The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (Ира Чалова); high performance drone
abbr., el. hard point defence; head position detector; high plasma density (source); high power density; horizontally polarized dipole; hybrid power divider
abbr., environ. Hearing Protection Device
abbr., IT High Performance Design; Hot Plug Detect; Health Provider Directory (nikborovik)
abbr., law Honolulu Police Department
abbr., math., scient. Hermitian Positive Definite
abbr., med. Hearing Protective Device; Hereditary Progressive Dystonia; High-protein Diet; Home Peritoneal Dialysis
abbr., mil. High-Power-Discriminator (radar)
abbr., mil., avia. hard point defense
abbr., mil., fr. Haut Pouvoir de Destruction
abbr., mil., WMD Hewlett-Packard/Dynaterm low-level chemical agent monitoring system
abbr., nautic., scient. Hourly Precipitation Data
abbr., oil hearing protective device; heavy phase density; hematoporphyrin diethyl acid; high-performance diesel; hydraulic pump discharge
abbr., opt. hematoporphyrin derivative
abbr., photo. Hyperfocal distance
abbr., phys., scient. Holistic Probabilistic Design
abbr., physiol., med. Highest Posterior Density
abbr., polym. high pressure dilatometry
abbr., product. Houston Production Development (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., psychiat. Histrionic Personality Disorder (F60.4 по МКБ-10 Acruxia)
abbr., radio, scient. Half Power Diameter
abbr., scottish Hertford Production Design Ltd (UK); High Power Destruction; High Power Discrimination (radar); High Progressivity / Density
abbr., tradem. High Performance Designs
ecol. hourly precipitation data
mil. hard point defense; high-performance drone
oil, abbr. high performance diesel
tech. high-power density
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