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Terms for subject Pipelines (86 entries)
A area of cross section
A-C welding alternating current welding
AGC automatic gauge control
A-C welding alternating current welding
American Standard Pipe thread ASP thread
American Standard Straight Pipe thread ASSP thread
American Standard Taper Pipe thread ASTP thread
annealed an
annealed an
A area of cross section
AW as-welded
AWA as-welded annealed
AGC automatic gauge control
AW as-welded
AWA as-welded annealed
BDT brittle-ductile transition
BDTT brittle-ductile transition temperature
Beveled one end and grooved the other BGE Bauirj­an
beveled one end and threaded the other BTE Bauirj­an
BDT brittle-ductile transition

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