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noun | verb | to phrases
zoom [zu:m] n
comp., MS Zoom m (A multi-touch gesture that consists of two fingers moving in opposite directions ( -><- or <- ->))
tech. Zoom m
transp. hochgezogene Kehre
zoom [zu:m] v
gen. vergrößern; Gummilinse; Zoomobjektiv
comp. dynamisches Skalieren
comp., MS zoomen (To enlarge a selected portion of a graphical image or document to fill a window or the screen)
law, ADR hochschnellen (z. B. Preise)
tech. zoomen
weap. rasen; sausen
zooming ['zu:mɪŋ] v
IT, dat.proc. Verkleinern; Zoomen; stetiges Vergrößern
transp., avia. Hochziehen
zoomed v
gen. holte heran; gesurrt
zooming noise v
gen. surrend
zoom whirr v
gen. Surren
 English thesaurus
ZOOM [zu:m] abbr.
abbr. Z Object Oriented Model; Zenith Optimisation Of Media; Zoom Out On Missions
energ.ind. zero on-line operational monitoring
Zoom [zu:m] v
el., abbr. Z
zoom: 66 phrases in 11 subjects
Cultural studies3
Earth sciences2
Information technology10
Medical appliances1
Weapons and gunsmithing2