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noun | adjective | verb | to phrases
mouse [maus] n
comp., MS ποντίκι (An input device with the following features: a flat-bottomed casing designed to be gripped by one hand; one or more buttons on the top; a multidirectional detection device (a ball, laser or optical device) on the bottom; and a cable or wireless connection to the computer)
mech.eng. πίνακας βαρομετρικών σωλήνων
mouse [maus] adj.
mamm. σταχτοποντικός (Mus)
med. ποντικός
 English thesaurus
MOUSE [maus] abbr.
abbr., mil., astronaut. minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the Earth
mouse [maus] v
mamm. stachtopontikos (Mus)
MOUSE [maus] abbr.
abbr. Making Opportunities For Upgrading Schools And Education; Manager-Owner-User System-Engineer; Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of Earth
abbr., earth.sc. method of underground solute evaluation
abbr., IT Manually Oscillating Utensil Sonically Engaged
mouse: 71 phrases in 13 subjects
Health care4
Hobbies and pastimes2
Information technology5
Life sciences5
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation19
Natural sciences11
Pharmacy and pharmacology1