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gallery ['gælərɪ] n
gen. chodnik m; ganek przejście na zewnątrz budynku; jaskółka f; korytarz chodnik podziemny; łącznik przewiązka
construct. galeria; podcień m; kanał tunelowy
mining. sztolnia f
Gallery ['gælərɪ] n
comp., MS galeria (An area of the user interface that displays the available templates and recently used files within an Office for Mac applications. The gallery opens automatically when you open an application. You can also open the gallery from the File menu and a toolbar button)
 English thesaurus
gallery ['gælərɪ] abbr.
abbr. gall
abbr., AmE balcony (брит., в театре Bobrovska)
lit. The seating area that is raised above the main seating area. It is usually at the back and sides of a theater.
gallery: 66 phrases in 6 subjects
Hydraulic engineering3