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to phrases
float [fləut] n
agric. попла́вък m; шамандура f; шла́йфвлачка f
comp., MS с плаваща запетайка (A data type that holds floating-point number data from -1.79E + 308 through 1.79E + 308. float, double precision, and float(n) are SQL Server float data types)
construct. заглаждачка f; заглаждичка f; заглаждам
fin. флоут
ichtyol. та́па на риболо́вна мре́жа
tech. вла́чка f; шлайф-влачка m; струг-вла́чка m
 English thesaurus
float [fləut] n
mil., abbr. flt
FLOAT [fləut] abbr.
abbr., oil floating offshore attended terminal
mil. floatation for aircraft technology
float: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Building structures1