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Umlaufvermögen n
account. capital equipment; trading assets; liquid assets
agric. circulating capital
bank. operating assets; trading capital
busin. circulating assets; current assets; floating assets; floating capital; working assets
comp., MS expense product (A received product that is a current asset, not held for sale or consumed in production, and for which there is no stock control policy requiring quantity tracking or inventory control policy requiring stock value tracking, and for which there is an accounting policy requiring the recording of the cost as an expense)
econ., amer. movable assets; quick assets (Bilanz); current receipts (Bilanz); current receivables
econ., market. circulating fund; circulating capital fund
fin. available assets; realisable assets; working capital; gross working capital
fin., account. cash and marketable securities
fin., tax., industr. business assets; operating capital
IMF. current asset; short-term asset
law, ADR, amer. current receipts
Umlaufvermögen: 29 phrases in 8 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution3
International Monetary Fund2