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Ballungsgebiet n -(e)s, -e
gen. agglomeration area; congested urban area; conurbation
busin. overcrowded area
construct., mun.plan. megalopolis; agglomeration; city region
econ. hypertrophied regions; overcrowded region
environ. conurbation 1. A large densely populated urban sprawl formed by the growth and coalescence of individual towns or cities. 2. Large area covered with buildings (houses or factories or public building, etc.) 3. A large area occupied by urban development, which may contain isolated rural areas, and formed by the merging together of expanding towns that formerly were separate; area of industrial concentration; congested area
nat.sc., agric. concentration area
nucl.phys., ecol. densely populated area; centre of population; population centre
tech. overcrowd region
Ballungsgebiet: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1