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Production de renseignement
 production de renseignements
gen. intelligence production
| issue
pharma. End results
agric. broken grain; grain offals; small grain; white bran; rice polishings; polish
agric. coal. sharps
anim.husb. secondary offals
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l
tech. Length
| étude approfondie
 étude approfondie
fish.farm. detailed study
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| données
law foundation fact
| sur
health. safe
| la
econ. milk
| situation
IT dat.proc. status
| d
commun. IT D-star
| un
unions. ENU
| adversaire
law caveator
| ou
comp. OR
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| belligérants
mil. logist. belligerent
| et
comp. AND
| permettant
hobby transp. pass
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| déterminer
chem. to determine
| sa
math. SAS
| stratégie
math. strategy
| ses
agric. bran
| modes d'action
 mode d'action
IT chem. el. type of action
| et
comp. AND
leur | probabilité
math. probability
| d
commun. IT D-star
| emploi
environ. employment
| Note
fin. credit assessment
| elle
gen. they
| est
polit. East
| destinée à
 destiné à ...
gen. designed to ...
| alimenter
chem. to feed
| une
commun. front page
| appréciation de situation
 appréciation de situation
mil. logist. estimate of the situation
| politique
arts. politics
politico | stratégique
gen. inter-theatre
| ou
comp. OR
| opérationnelle
mech.eng. el. in operating condition
- only individual words found

production de renseignements
gen. intelligence production