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теплоэлектростанция nstresses
gen. fossil fuel burning power station (Alexander Demidov); CHP station (Alexander Demidov)
alum. thermoelectric power station (ТЭС aivanov)
busin. cogeneration plant; combined heat and power station (CHP); co-generation plant (ТЭС)
construct. heat engine generation station; heat power-station; heating and power station; thermal power-station
ecol. thermal power plant
energ.ind. thermoelectric plant (MichaelBurov); cogeneration unit (Andrey Truhachev); combined heat and power plant (MichaelBurov); cogeneration station (не рек. MichaelBurov); co-generation station (не рек. MichaelBurov); combined heat and power station (не рек. MichaelBurov)
environ. heat and power station (Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refuse; Электростанция, которая производит как электричество, так и горячую воду для нужд местного населения. ТЭЦ (теплоэлектроцентраль) может работать практически на всех видах топлива, включая отходы)
Makarov. heat power plant; steam power plant
oil combined heat & power
sociol. thermal power station; thermoelectric power station
: 58 phrases in 11 subjects
Electrical engineering2
Energy industry15
European Union1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Nuclear and fusion power27
Oil / petroleum2