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verb | verb | to phrases
проветрить vstresses
gen. aerate; air; ventilate; sweeten; give something an airing (что-либо linton)
inf. have an airing
проветриться v
gen. blow away the cobwebs; blow the cobwebs; aerate; air; have a breath of fresh air; take; ventilate; take time out to breathe (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik take an airing (pf of проветриваться); have an airing (pf of проветриваться)
amer. walk it off (Taras)
fig., inf. have a change of surroundings
idiom. get a blow (Bobrovska)
inf. have an airing; clear one's head (I can't deal with this right now. I've gotta clear my head – Я не могу сейчас этим заниматься. Пойду проветрюсь Taras)
Makarov. be refreshed; take a walk in the fresh air; take an airing
Makarov., fig. have a change of scene
"проветриться" v
Makarov., inf. get a blow
: 15 phrases in 3 subjects