
Polish-Hungarian dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 1.632
Agriculture 31.671
Agrochemistry 21
Agronomy 1.176
Ampelography 49
Anatomy 451
Animal husbandry 121
Art 2
Astronautics 17
Banking 104
Beekeeping 327
Biochemistry 138
Biology 1.089
Botany 2.359
Business 99
Chemistry 2.245
Coal 4
Commerce 409
Communications 385
Computers 10
Construction 195
Corporate governance 15
Criminal law 213
Cultural studies 27
Customs 125
Cytology 49
Data processing 78
Demography 14
Earth sciences 108
Ecology 85
Economy 8.791
Education 277
Electronics 142
Employment 24
Energy industry 188
Entomology 538
Environment 5.364
European Union 135
Finances 2.240
Fish farming pisciculture 122
Food industry 1.067
Forestry 649
General 4.151
Geography 453
Geology 2
Geophysics 7
Government, administration and public services 155
Health care 1.378
Hobbies and pastimes 30
Horticulture 428
Human rights activism 656
Hydraulic engineering 9
Hydrology 151
Ichthyology 277
Immigration and citizenship 635
Industry 69
Informal 3
Information technology 314
Insurance 124
International law 55
International trade 80
Investment 31
Labor law 79
Labor organization 9
Latin American 3
Law 1.818
Leather 2
Life sciences 934
Mammals 39
Marketing 38
Materials science 21
Mathematics 4.309
Mechanic engineering 42
Medical 1.467
Melioration 161
Metallurgy 21
Meteorology 232
Microscopy 92
Microsoft 12.259
Mineral products 25
Mineralogy 16
Mining 1
Municipal planning 7
Mycology 69
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 19
Natural sciences 143
Nuclear and fusion power 16
Nuclear physics 73
Obsolete / dated 690
Oil / petroleum 12
Ornithology 162
Patents 99
Pharmacology 1
Pharmacy and pharmacology 401
Physical sciences 84
Physics 61
Physiology 82
Phytophathology 419
Politics 1.345
Private international law 16
Procedural law 552
Public relations 1
Religion 10
Research and development 86
School 1
Scientific 45
Security systems 34
Social science 470
Sociology 38
Soil science 372
Statistics 373
Sugar production 10
Surveying 37
Taxes 101
Technology 3.268
Textile industry 9
Trade unions 26
Transport 1.701
United Nations 143
Veterinary medicine 880
Waste management 32
Wood processing 4
Work flow 14
Zoology 259
Zootechnics 1.019
Total: 106.515