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Aristotle ['ærɪstɒtl] n
gen. Aristóteles m
 English thesaurus
Aristotle ['ærɪstɒtl] n
lit. A Greek philosopher who lived from 384 BC to 322 BC. Aristotle wrote on numerous subjects including poetry, physics, music, politics and biology. He was the student of Plato. Alongside Plato and Socrates, Aristotle is considered an important figure to the founding of Western knowledge.
ARISTOTLE ['ærɪstɒtl] abbr.
abbr., clin.trial. Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation (Апиксабан как препарат для снижения риска инсульта и других тромбоэмболических осложнений при фибрилляции предсердий Ying)
mil. Annual Review and Information Symposium on the Technology of Training, Learning, and Education