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stay flatstresses
econ. остаться на том же уровне (в количественном отношении: And the thesis of your book is that land prices in Vancouver, which is a rather geographically confined global city, are unhooked from local income levels. Rather, at a moment when wealth is increasingly concentrated among a global elite, land has become the place to stash their wealth, and as they turn land into wealth-storing assets, they bid each other up. So that land prices now have increased fivefold in Vancouver over the past 15 years, while income levels have stayed fairly flat. (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver); остаться неизменным (в количественном отношении: And the thesis of your book is that land prices in Vancouver, which is a rather geographically confined global city, are unhooked from local income levels. Rather, at a moment when wealth is increasingly concentrated among a global elite, land has become the place to stash their wealth, and as they turn land into wealth-storing assets, they bid each other up. So that land prices now have increased fivefold in Vancouver over the past 15 years, while income levels have stayed fairly flat. (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver); не измениться (в количественном отношении: And the thesis of your book is that land prices in Vancouver, which is a rather geographically confined global city, are unhooked from local income levels. Rather, at a moment when wealth is increasingly concentrated among a global elite, land has become the place to stash their wealth, and as they turn land into wealth-storing assets, they bid each other up. So that land prices now have increased fivefold in Vancouver over the past 15 years, while income levels have stayed fairly flat. (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver)
stay flat!
gen. пригнись! (Трунов Влас; скорее всего, "лежать!" или "не высовываться!" (stay - т.е. "оставайся в том же положении") bojana)