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cycle trackstresses
construct. велосипедная дорожка
engl. ?велосипедная дорога? (в некоторых странах дорога или полоса проезжей части, отведённая специально для велосипедистов)
tech. велотрек
traf. огороженная велодорожка (См. конкретную дорожку. Может быть и просто "выделенная": an exclusive bikeway that has elements of a separated path and on-road bike lane. A cycle track is located within or next to the roadway, but is made distinct from both the sidewalk and general purpose roadway by vertical barriers or elevation differences. wikipedia.org Alexander Oshis); выделенная велодорожка (An exclusive bikeway that has elements of a separated path and on-road bike lane. A cycle track is located within or next to the roadway, but is made distinct from both the sidewalk and general purpose roadway by vertical barriers or elevation differences. wikipedia.org Alexander Oshis)
cycle track: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
Cycle sport2