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 English thesaurus
slt abbr.
abbr. searchlight; skylight; slate
abbr., oil Tolar
abbr., physiol., med. Slight
meteorol. sleet
SLT abbr.
abbr. Skip Loader Telescopic; Slidell Little Theatre; Strategic Leadership Training; Small Little And Tight; spotlight; Standing Group on Long-term Cooperation; subsidize-lease-transfer
abbr., AI. Statistical Learning Theory
abbr., avia. Salida, Colorado; supplier lead time; slat
abbr., busin. sea letter telegram; select
abbr., chem. standard laboratory temperature (Karabas)
abbr., comp., IT Solid Logic Technology
abbr., comp., net. subscriber line terminal
abbr., comp., net., IT Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty; Site Log Test
abbr., earth.sc. streamline technique
abbr., ed. School Leadership Team
abbr., ed., scient. School Of Leadership Training; Student Leadership Team
abbr., el. signaling link transceiver; solid logic transistor; subscriber line trunk; subscriber link transceiver; subscriber loop tester; synchronous line test; system linkage table; standard load test
abbr., fr., space Satellite Lourd de télécommunications
abbr., HR strategic leadership team (Метран)
abbr., IT Salt Script Application Language script source; Signaling Link Termination; Something Like That; Strong Like Thunder; spoken language technology (TatianaNefyodova)
abbr., ling. spoken language translation (arxiv.org dimock)
abbr., logist. side-loading trailer
abbr., med. Left Sacrotransverse (Lat.sacrolaeva Transversa; fetal Position); Single Lung Transplantation; Speech Language Therapist (логопед Dimpassy); selective laser trabeculoplasty
abbr., microel. solid-logic technology
abbr., mil. Ship Letter Telegram; Slit
abbr., oil single layer testing; sonic logging tool; stress limit test
abbr., opt. satellite laser tracking
abbr., pharm. sodium levothyroxine
abbr., photo. single-lense translucent (Andrius)
abbr., relig. Spiritual Leadership Team
abbr., scient. Speech And Language Therapy
abbr., st.exch. Silverline Technologies, American Depositary Receipts
abbr., tel. single line telephone (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., textile Shoe Lace Trick
abbr., tobac. smokeless tobacco (vecz3107)
abbr., tradem. Segment Lager Technik
ecol. sea level temperature
mil. simulated launch test; special launch trajectory; stockpile laboratory tests
tech. side light; spaceborne landmark tracker
Slt. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. siltstone
Slt abbr.
abbr. silt
SLt abbr.
abbr. Sub-Lieutenant