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burn the candle at both ends
idiom. to do more than one ought to; to overextend oneself (His doctor said that his illness was brought on by stress and recommended that he stop burning the candle at both ends. dictionary.com); to work or do other things from early in the morning until late at night and so get very little rest (cambridge.org); to spend all of your energy on two pursuits at the same time (exhaust one’s energies or resources by leading a hectic life theidioms.com); exhaust one's energies or resources by leading a hectic life (This metaphor originated in France and was translated into English in Randle Cotgrave's Dictionary (1611), where it referred to dissipating one's wealth. It soon acquired its present broader meaning. For example: Joseph's been burning the candle at both ends for weeks, working two jobs during the week and a third on weekends . thefreedictionary.com); if you burn the candle at both ends, you try to do too much, regularly going to bed late and getting up early in the morning (Try not to exhaust yourself by burning the candle at both ends. • Frank seemed to delight in burning the candle at both ends. • No matter how late he stayed out, he was up at five o'clock the next morning to study. thefreedictionary.com); to work very hard and stay up very late at night (One end of the candle is work done in the daylight, and the other end is work done at night: No wonder Mary is ill. She has been burning the candle at both ends for a long time. • You'll wear out if you keep burning the candle at both ends. thefreedictionary.com); to overwork or exhaust oneself by doing too many things, especially both late at night and early in the morning (Oh, Denise is definitely burning the candle at both ends—she's been getting to the office early and staying very late to work on some big project. • You look exhausted. Been burning the candle at both ends, have you? thefreedictionary.com)
idiom., mean.2 to spend all of your energy on two pursuits at the same time (Working and studying at the same time has led to me having to burn the candle at both ends. • She has been burning the candle at both ends by doing a full-time job and preparing for her International English Language Test exams. theidioms.com); lavish energy or resources in more than one direction at the same time (thefreedictionary.com)
burn: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
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