
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing flame | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal flame非正常火焰
acetylene-air flame乙炔空气焰
acetylene-air flame乙炔-空气焰
adiabatic flame temperature高炉火焰温度
adiabatic flame temperature风口前绝热火焰温度
adiabatic flame temperature风口前理论燃烧温度
adiabatic flame temperature computer火焰绝热温度计算机
adiabatic flame temperature computer高炉内绝热火焰温度连续计算机
aerated flame充气焰 (煤气、空气混合焰)
arc flame弧焰
automatic flame cutting machine火焰自动切割机
balanced flame调好的火焰
balanced flame正常焰
blackbody flame temperature黑体火焰温度
blow pipe flame吹管焰
blue flameCO 焰
blue flame蓝焰
body of flame火舌
carbonizing flame还原焰
carbonizing flame碳化焰
carburizing flame碳化焰
carburizing flame渗碳焰
carburizing flame还原焰
cathode flame阴极流
chemical flame deposition化学火焰沉积
clear flame明亮火焰
coal-flame hot zone煤焰高温段
combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening表面前进旋转火焰淬火法
combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening前进旋转火焰淬火法
cutting flame切割火焰
diffusion flame system扩散火焰装置
direct flame-fired annealing furnace直焰式退火炉
divergent nozzle for precision flame cutting machine扩散型火焰精密切割机喷嘴
downward directed flame下向火焰
downward flame向下火焰
drop of flame火焰缩短 (转炉的)
envelope flame外层火焰
excess acetylene flame过剩乙炔火焰
excess oxygen flame过剩氧火焰
fan shaped flame扇形火焰
fan-shaped flame扇形火焰
flame annealing火焰直接加热退火
flame annealing明焰加热退火
flame arrangement火焰布置
flame atomic absorption spectrometric method火焰原子吸收光谱测定法
flame attenuation火焰衰减
flame blasting火焰清理
flame blasting火焰烧剥
flame boring火焰钻孔
flame boring火焰穿孔
flame brazing火焰钎焊
flame bridge火桥
flame characteristics火焰特性
flame chipping【压】 烧剥
flame chipping烧剥
flame cleaner火焰净化器
flame cleaner火焰除油器
flame cleaner火焰清理机
flame cleaner火焰清理器 (【技】用火焰枪去除连铸坯或初轧坯表面缺陷的设备。火焰清理机分为三大类,即:热坯清理机、冷/温坯清理机和冷/热坯清理机。)
flame cleaning火焰清理
flame cleaning burner for removing rust火焰除锈燃烧器
flame cleaning of rusty material锈蚀材料火焰除锈
flame cleaning of rusty material锈蚀材料火焰清理
flame cleaning torch火焰清理炬
flame coal焰煤
flame coating火焰
flame condition火焰状态
flame condition火焰性质
flame-contact furnace反射炉
flame contact furnace反射炉
flame core焰心
flame core火焰中心
flame curtain焰帘
flame cut氧气切割
flame cut气割
flame cut火焰切割
flame cut off气割
flame cut off气切
flame cut off火焰切割
flame cut off machine火焰切割机
flame cut-off气割
flame cut-off火焰切割
flame cut-off machine火焰切割机
flame cut-off machine for continuously cast slab连铸板坯火焰切割机
flame cut-off machine of bloom大方坯火焰切割机
flame cutter火焰切割器
flame cutting气切割
flame cutting气体切割
flame cutting火焰切割
flame cutting equipment火焰切割设备
flame cutting machine火焰切割机 (【技】使用预热氧和燃气混合燃烧的火焰使切割缝处的金属熔化,并利用高压切割氧的能量把熔化的金属吹掉,形成切缝,切断铸坯。火焰切割机使用的燃料有高压精制焦炉煤气、天然气、丙烷和乙炔等。火焰切割机设备简单、质量轻、投资省,不受连铸坯断面尺寸和温度的限制,切口平整不变形;缺点是切割时有一定的金属损耗。在钢铁工业中,火焰切割机广泛用于板坯、方坯、圆坯、异形坯等的定尺切割和头尾切割。)
flame cutting machine for bloom大方坯火焰切割机
flame cutting machine for continuously cast slab连铸板坯火焰切割机
flame cutting nozzle火焰切割喷嘴
flame cutting nozzle火焰割嘴
flame cutting of continuously cast semifinished product连铸坯火焰切割
flame cutting of strand连铸坯火焰切割
flame cutting torch operator气割工
flame cutting torch operator火焰切割工
flame cutting speed火焰切割速度
flame cutting torch火焰割炬
flame cutting tractor火焰切割机
flame cutting yard焰炬切割场
flame cyclone smelting火焰旋涡熔炼
flame damper灭火器
flame denitration火焰脱硝
flame derivetting火焰烧除铆钉
flame descaling火焰清理
flame descaling火焰清理氧化皮
flame descaling喷焰除鳞
flame deseamer火焰清理机
flame deseaming火焰除疵
flame deseaming火焰清理
flame detector火焰检测器
flame drilling喷火穿孔
flame drilling火焰穿孔
flame emissivity火焰黑度
flame emissivity火焰发射率
flame enrichment富氧火焰
flame envelope火焰喷柱
flame envelope火苗
flame etch火焰侵蚀
flame etch test火焰侵蚀试验
flame failure device火焰故障警报器
flame flash back火焰回火
flame fluorination火焰氟化
flame front焰锋
flame front火焰前缘
flame front烧结带前缘
flame front speed火焰前缘速度
flame front speed焰锋速度
flame front zone火焰前锋区
flame furnace火焰炉
flame furnace反射炉
flame gouging火焰表面清理
flame gouging炬凿
flame gouging火焰刨削
flame-gouging nozzle表面切割喷嘴
flame gouging nozzle表面氧气切割喷嘴
flame gouging torch火焰刨嘴
flame gunned layer火焰喷补层
flame gunned lining火焰喷补的炉衬
flame gunning火焰喷补
flame gunning material火焰喷补料
flame gunning repair熔融喷补
flame gunning repair火焰喷补
flame gunning repair equipment火焰喷补设备
flame gunning repair technique火焰喷补技术
flame gunning technique for converter lining转炉衬火焰喷补技术
flame hardening火焰加热淬火
flame head焰锋
flame head火苗
flame head orifice火焰喷嘴
flame heart焰心
flame heat treatment火焰表面热处理 (【技】通过喷嘴将火焰喷射到工件表面上,将其迅速加热到高温,然后再以不同的冷却速度冷却的热处理工艺。一般多用于工件的表面淬火。火焰表面热处理的火焰温度高,故加热速度快,较为经济。同时它还具有设备简单、灵活性较大、可对大型工件实行表面淬火等优点。)
flame heat treatment火焰热处理
flame heating火焰加热
flame heating equipment火焰加热设备
flame heating unit火焰加热装置
flame holding火焰稳定化
flame holding火焰稳定
flame impingement火焰冲击
flame intensity火焰强度
flame ionization detector火焰离子化鉴定器
flame jet火舌
flame jet火焰喷射
flame jet火焰流
flame kernel火焰中心
flame kernel焰心
flame metal spraying火焰金属喷涂
flame metallized bronze火焰喷镀用青铜
flame milling火焰刨削
flame normalizing火焰常化
flame normalizing火焰正火
flame off停火
flame photometer火焰光度计
flame photometry火焰光度术
flame photometry火焰光度学
flame planer龙门式自动气割机
flame planer氧焰清理机
flame planing machine火焰刨切机
flame plating火焰喷涂
flame plating火焰喷镀
flame point燃点
flame priming火焰清理
flame profile火焰形状
flame profiling火焰异形切割
flame profiling machine异型轮廓火焰切割机
flame profiling machine异型轮廓气割机
flame-proof belt防火皮带
flame-proof wire防火绝缘线
flame radiating power火焰黑度
flame radiating power火焰辐射能力
flame ratio氧气燃气体积
flame reaction焰色反应
flame reaction火焰反应
flame safeguard system消防安全系统
flame safeguard system防火安全系统
flame scarfer火焰清理机
flame scarfer氧气精整器
flame scarfer火焰清理器
flame scarfing喷焰清理
flame seal钢丝火封软熔热镀锌法 (galvanizing)
flame seal galvanizing钢丝火封软熔热镀锌 (【技】为获得均匀的钢丝镀锌层,在钢丝从镀锌锅引出后对其进行火焰软熔的热镀锌法。)
flame seal process火封软熔热镀锌法 (钢丝的)
flame seal process钢丝火封软熔热镀锌法
flame seal process钢丝火封软熔热镀锌法
flame sealing火焰密封 (钢丝软熔热镀锌时的)
flame shaping火焰异形加工
flame shaping火焰异形切割
flame shoot out火焰喷出
flame softening火焰软化 (处理)
flame softening焰炬加热软化处理
flame spalling torch火焰清理炬
flame spectra火焰光谱
flame spectrofluorimetry火焰荧光光谱测定法
flame spinning火焰加热旋压
flame spray die火焰喷金属覆层模
flame sprayed coating火焰喷涂涂层
flame sprayed coating火焰喷镀
flame spraying火焰喷涂 (【技】以可燃气体和助燃气体混合后燃烧的火焰为热源的热喷涂工艺。常用的燃气有乙炔、丙烷、氢气、天然气等。乙炔可获得较高的燃烧温度,使用最为普遍。)
flame spraying火焰喷镀
flame stability火焰稳定性
flame stabilization火焰稳定性
flame straightening火焰校平
flame straightening火焰校直
flame strand annealing火封多线退火
flame strand annealing喷焰连续退火
flame strengthening火焰强化
flame tail焰舌
flame temperature火焰温度
flame temperature analyzer火焰温度分析器
flame tempering火焰回火
flame torch test焰炬检验
flame torch test气焊枪火焰检验
flame trap消焰装置
flame trap消焰器
flame travel燃波运动速度
flame travel火焰行程
flame treating火焰处理
flame velocity燃烧速度
flame velocity火焰传播速度
flat flame扁平火焰
flat flame扁火焰
fluorine flame reaction氟焰反应
force of flame火焰压头
furnace gas flame炉气焰
gas flame体火
gas flame煤气火焰
gas flame brazing气焰氧炔焰硬钎焊
gas-air flame煤气-空气焰
gas-welding flame气焊火焰
harsh blowing flame火焰
harsh blowing flame火焰
heating flame加热火焰
heating flame orifice加热火焰喷口
high temperature flame高温火焰
high temperature oxygen acetylene flame高温氧乙炔火焰
high-temperature flame高温火焰
high-temperature oxygen acetylene flame高温氧乙炔火焰
hot flame peeling热火焰剥皮
hot flame peeling热火焰清理
hydrogen flame氢焰
hydrogen-fluorine flame氢氟焰
incorrect flame不恰当未调好火焰
inner flame cone内焰心
keen flame烈焰
keen flame
lazy flame软焰
lazy flame钝焰
lazy flame无力火焰
lean flame贫焰
lean flame燃料不足的火焰
length of flame火焰长度
line of flame front火焰前锋线
line of flame front火焰前缘线
liquid flame hardening液态火焰加热淬火
liquid-fuel flame液体燃料火焰
liquidflame <->液体燃料火焰
long-flame burner长焰烧嘴 (厚板加热炉中的)
long flame bituminous coal长焰沥青
luminous flame radiation光焰辐射
manageability of the flame火焰可调节性
marquench flame hardening分级火焰淬火
microprocessor controlled flame cutting machine微处理机控制的火焰切割机
moving flame kiln火焰移动式窑
multiple beam flame planing machine多焰嘴火焰刨削机
narrow flame窄火焰
NC flame cutting machine数控火焰切割机
neutral flame中性焰
non-luminous flame无光焰
numerical control flame cutting machine数控火焰切割机
opaque flame不透明火焰
opaque flame无光火焰
open flame明火
open-flame furnace明火炉
open-flame furnace有焰炉
ore reduction flame矿石还原
outer flame外层火焰
overventilated flame空气过剩火焰
oxidizing flame氧化焰
oxyacetylene flame氧乙炔焰
oxyacetylene flame gouging氧乙炔焰表面切割
oxybenz flame氧苯焰
oxybutane flame氧-丁烷焰
oxy-coal-gas flame氧-煤气焰
oxy-fuel flame surface hardening氧-燃火焰表面淬火
oxy-fuel flame surface hardening氧-燃料火焰加热表面淬火
oxygen-enriched flame富氧火焰
oxyhydrogen flame氢氧焰
oxyhydrogen flame cutting process for continuously cast semis连铸坯氢氧火焰切割工艺
oxyhydrogen flame cutting process for strand连铸坯氢氧火焰切割工艺
oxy-natural gas flame氧气-天然气焰
oxypropane flame氧气-丙烷焰
peak flame temperature最高火焰温度
period of flame drop【钢】 火焰降落期 (转炉吹炼的)
period of flame drop火焰降落期
pilot flame起动火苗
pilot flame引燃火舌
plasma flame cutting等离子流切割
preheating flame预热
preheating flame hole预热火焰道
progressive flame hardening顺次火焰淬火
progressive flame hardening依次火焰加热淬火
progressive spinning flame hardening顺序旋转式火焰淬火
progressive spinning flame hardening顺序旋转火焰加热淬火
protective flame curtain保护焰帘
raceway adiabatic flame temperature风口前理论燃烧温度
raceway adiabatic flame temperature高炉火焰温度 (【技】在绝热条件下,高炉风口前热风与碳素燃烧反应的火焰温度。由于它是在绝热状态下的理论值,故称为"风口前绝热火焰温度"或"风口前理论燃烧温度";亦称"高炉火焰温度",简称"绝热火焰温度"或"理论燃烧温度"。)
raceway adiabatic flame temperature风口前绝热火焰温度
raceway adiabatic flame temperature风口前绝热火焰温度
raceway adiabatic flame temperature〔高炉〕风口前燃烧区绝热火焰温度
raceway flame temperature风口前燃
rate of flame propagation火焰传播速度
reducing flame还原焰
reduction flame还原性火焰
ribbon flame带状火焰
roaring flame咆哮焰 (转炉炉口的)
roaring flame咆哮
rotary flame planing machine回转式火焰刨切机
shape-flame cutting异形火焰切割
shape-flame cutting成型火焰切割
short-flame burner短焰燃烧器 (The ignition furnace has short-flame burners and the heat is transmitted to the bed almost entirely by convection. 点火炉配备有短焰燃烧器,通过对流几乎能将全部热量传到铺底料。)
short-flame coal短焰煤
singing flame嗡鸣火焰
single-flame blow pipe单焰焊炬
smoky flame有烟火焰
soft flame软化焰
sootless flame无碳黑火焰
split flame分叉火焰
split flame furnace分焰炉
spot method of flame hardening定点式火焰淬火法
stable flame稳定焰
stationary method of flame hardening固定式火焰淬火法
steady flame稳定火焰
steady state flame propagation火焰稳定传布
steady-state flame propagation火焰稳定传布
submerged flame burner浸焰式燃烧器
surface flame hardening表面火焰淬火
surface flame hardening表面火焰加热淬火
theoretical flame temperature高炉火焰温度
theoretical flame temperature风口前绝热火焰温度
theoretical flame temperature风口前理论燃烧温度
throat flame炉口喷出的火焰
throat flame炉口火焰
torch flame割炬火焰
torch flame焊炬火焰
tuyere nose flame temperature风口前火焰温度
twin-flame torch双焰式割炬
twin-flame torch双焰式吹管
two-flame burner双焰焊枪
two-flame burner双焰燃烧器
two-flame burner双焰割炬
two flame burner双焰割炬
two flame burner双焰燃烧器
two flame burner双焰焊枪
U-flame furnaceU 形火焰炉
unbalanced flame未调好【不正常】火焰
unbalanced flame未调好不正常火焰
underventilated flame欠氧火焰
underventilated flame供风不足的火焰
unstable flame不稳定火焰
variable flame burner调焰烧嘴
variable-flame burner火焰可调式燃烧器
variable flame burner火焰可调式燃烧器
variable-flame burner调焰烧嘴
water-gas flame水煤气焰
water-gas flame水煤气火焰
welding flame焊接焰
wild flame烈焰