
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
一顺一丁砌砖quarter bond
三、四、五three-four-five rule
三线测螺纹three wire measurement
三角形-星形接线mesh-star connection
三轴压力试验triaxial system
隧道施工上导洞bar and sill method
不合数码记号forbidden digit
不合画out of drawing
不易于混汞回收的自然金refractory gold
不易用混汞回收的自然金refractory gold
丝网印制电路silk screen printing method
丝网漏印silk screen method
中矩形repeated midpoint formula
串-并行乘one-shot multiplier
串级叠置多层焊cascade method
串联cascade method
串行链式程序的取数存取chained program access method
之字展线zigzag development
逆运算inverse of multiplication
习惯传统conventional method
亚声速流中的超声速区模型试验bump method
亚尔登模盘环路测试一种借助惠斯登电桥原理找寻输电线故障的方法Ayrton-Mother ring test method
交叉断路cross tripping
应用二极整流管的交流波峰值测量Chubb method
他激分激,独立本机振荡 外差separate heterodyne
仿形靠模加工form copying
传递模塑transfer forming
低价加电路low-order add circuit
保形 表示conformal representation
保留持着分析retention analysis
偏转偏移,位移,致偏deflection method
全切开slitting-up method
全强制全压力循环润滑full force feed lubrication
线common normal
共振试验resonance method test
关键工序路线工程管理用语critical path method
内传力预加应力有握裹力的预加应力prestressing with bond
冶金process metallurgy
相减电路subtraction circuit
减色三基色subtractive primaries
分解求积integration by decomposition
分路并联电路升高shunt peaking
分选Conklin process
前视监前look-ahead adder
磁粉探伤的剩磁residual field method
求和电路summing circuit
动力夯实dynamic consolidation
化学软水reagent method of water-softening
十进制计数decimal numeration
十进记数denary notation
华莱回路一种借电桥测定线路障碍的方法Varley's loop method
压制阴模dies hobbing
压制阴模die hobbing
压电晶体30。截thirty-degree piezoelectric cut
压紧固定supported flange
参数变值variation of parameter
磁粉探伤的双头通电磁化prod magnetizing method
双角测向two bearings and run between
双金属轧制Armstrong process
反向送料backward feed
取心钻探core-drill method
变分variation calculus
叠置叠加superposition method
可变度量variable-metric method
右移低位right hand adder
合理化方作业法streamlined methods
同转向磨up-cut grinding
启动方starting technique
吹验bubble proof
喷砂清理sand-blasting method
嗅试scent test
柔性路面回弹设计方resilience design procedure
混凝土围水养护ponding method of curing
图形厚膜电路制选工艺graphic-arts technique
图解船位推算graphic dead reckoning
圆棒电极磁性探伤prod magnetizing method
测土壤密度的土块试验chunk method
堆置mode of superposition
塞规自动定寸gauge-matic method
内圆磨的塞规自动控制尺寸gauge-matic method
增加成长flop-in method
复传力预加应力加应力后使钢筋黏着的预加应力prestressing with subsequent bond
复测反复repetition method
外乘outer multiplication
外传力预加应力无握裹力的预加应力prestressing without bond
外拉surface broaching
在一块金属板上多零件同时化学腐蚀gang milling
字体与写letters and lettering
安古斯-史密斯防腐蚀Angus-Smith process
定性定量分类classification of the qualitative system
对偶单纯形dual simplex algorithm
导管装配的分组grasshopper pipe coupling method
尝试试探,试凑,试错,逐次逼近try and error method
尝试试探,试凑,试错,逐次逼近cut and try method
尝试误差trial-and-error procedure
展为级数expansion in series
巴里-索尔脱蜡Bari-Sol process
hubbed flange
抛光滚光dry tumbling
干批dry-batch method
平竖轧制flat-and-edge method
平行切线partan algorithm
平衡 零点null readings
序列施工sequential construction
康拉特逊残碳测定Conradson method
建筑工程量计算办standard method of measurement of bulling works
异种金属薄板叠轧sandwich rolling
张弛松弛,迭弛(渐近),逐次近似relaxation method
弥散胶体涂覆树脂dispersion method
"1" 归零return-to-zero-change-for-one
Y 形接线Y-connection
影像作图image construction
径向放射状导航radial navigation
总体共同overall solution
成型磨form grinding process
打气通风plenum process
金属粉末扩散渗镀peen plating
折线分析broken-line analysis
指导原则guiding rule
按束强度的增加观察共振的方flop-in method
按极坐标控制"twist-and-steer" control
按极坐标控制twist and steer control
挤压extrusion process
abridge division
"掉头" 开挖"Reversed Head" method
插板开凿隧道poling board method (of tunnelling)
搜索波searching method
be modelled on
数学有限归纳finite induction
统计数据的修均graduation of data
无引线接合wireless bonding
普遍的看received view
最小二乘方least squares theory
最速下降gradient method
形成,达到,不足定人数lack a quorum
平板玻璃有槽引上debiteuse method
polar normal
栓接螺栓连接screw flange
棍板榫接tenon-bar splice
模压制模dies hobbing
步进阶梯式乘step multiplier
步进stepping technique
比例定标scaling method
水冲填上jetting fill
水力出焦hydraulic decoking
水泥系数fixed-cement-factor method
求像image construction
沙堆sand heap analogy
兰盘式联轴节frangible coupling
垂直,正交分量normal component
线法向,垂直,正交分量normal component
规变化引起的 调整adjustments for changes in legislation
规变化引起的调整adjustments for changes in legislation
线normal angle
progressive wave winding
注油油炼creosoting process
测地短程线geodesic method
浮运架设erecting by floating into position
铸型浸人溶液铸造como-cast process
液态锻造casting-forging method
逐次渐近method of approach
溢流测定weir method
溶液生长solution method of growth
溶胶塑料在空心模中成型slush casting
齿generating cutting
齿轮的滚铳self-generating method
灌浆grouted procedure
钢丝火封软熔热镀锌flame seal galvanizing
像素密度dot density method
点光栅polka-dot method
热芯盒造型hot box process
热镀锌铅锌法热镀锌Aplataer process
照相记录射线photographic detection
特定方设计法ad hoc approach
用串联使频率特性的高频部分升高series peaking
用并联使频率特性的高频部分升高shunt peaking
用比重不同的方分离gravitational separation
电乘运算electrical multiplication
电动式电测力计式运算dynamometer-type multiplier
电压降落drop method
电导测定分析,滴定 conductometry
电弧气刨arc air gouging method
画线折断scribing and breaking
直接显影direct-vision method
直接目测direct-vision method
直观direct-vision method
硬度方试验hardness method test
钢板碱液电镀锡alkaline process
镀锡薄钢板的碱液电镀锡alkaline process
磷酸盐抗蚀磷化处理atrament process
积分变换integral-transform method
程序自动化方手段automatic programmed tools
立体像观察stereoscopic observation
端面积end-area method
简化 简捷short-cut method
调度转接algorithmic dispatching
算后检査postmortem method (程序)
管材扩张制膜expanded-tube method
类比实验experimental-analogic method
糊膏中空浇铸slush casting
纯量成标scalar multiplication
纸上室内作业paper method
线选存储器two-dimensional memory
组丛group method
经验配合proportioning by arbitrary assignment
缠绕接线wrapping connection
diminution of roots
研究工作中的置疑questionnaire method
羰基粉末坯块carbonyl compact
苛化氢化一种除垢法caustic hydride process
落球试验drop-ball test
虚零false zero method
衡消补偿zero method
铝及铝合金表面防蚀化学处理Alrak method
裂变痕测定年代fission-track dating
视距subtense method
计时安培 电流分析chronoamperometry
计时库仑电量 分析chronocoulometry
逐步试凑trial-and-error procedure
试探尝试,试凑,试错,逐次逼近try-and-error method
试金button weights
试错试算,试凑,差试,试配,尝试,逐步逼近method of trials and errors
试错试算,试凑,差试,试配,尝试,逐步逼近method of trial and error
贝尔斯特弓形桁架Belfast truss
超光泽镀镍Super Gleamax
边界收缩boundary-contraction method
adapting flange
选择纵标一种图解分析法selected ordinate method
逐次反复over-and-over addition
逐次连续接近cut-and-try process
逐步逼近,求解,测量step-by-step method
逐步逼近trial-and-error procedure
逐级计算stepwise computation
通液磨wet grinding
配色 色别colour scheme
配色 色别color scheme
重力勘探探矿gravimeter method
金属喷镀spray metal coating
钎料棒自动铸造castomatic method
钟面弹着指示clock system
钢的表层硬化深度测定measuring case depth for steel
钢筋砖砌reinforced brick masonry
铝喷镀Aldip process
闭式密封冷却sealed cooling
间断注水fill-and-draw intermittent method
阳极氧化Alumilite process
阶梯cascade method
阿尔迪普热镀铝Aldip process
微分方程的降阶depression of order
陶瓷china-clay method
极扩散diffused-collector method
集中润滑centre lubrication
零测zero method
零点衡消 zero method
零点null method
靠模工作form copying
面积area method
频率响应求解frequency-response approach
首次满足first-fit method
首角第一角投影first-angle projection
高锰酸盐 滴定permanganate method