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Terms for subject Environment containing fl | all forms | exact matches only
Akwé: Kon Linji Gwida volontarji għat-twettiq ta' valutazzjonijiet tal-impatti kulturali, ambjentali u soċjali tal-proġetti ta' żvilupp li jsiru jew li aktarx iħallu impatt fuq siti sagri u fl-artijiet jew fl-ilmijiet okkupati jew użati tradizzjonalment mill-komunitajiet indiġeni u lokaliAkwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities
Akwé: Kon Linji Gwida volontarji għat-twettiq ta' valutazzjonijiet tal-impatti kulturali, ambjentali u soċjali tal-proġetti ta' żvilupp li jsiru jew li aktarx iħallu impatt fuq siti sagri u fl-artijiet jew fl-ilmijiet okkupati jew użati tradizzjonalment mill-komunitajiet indiġeni u lokaliAkwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines
art mgħarrqa fl-ilmawaterlogged land Waterlogging is an effect of canal irrigation; it occurs when the water table rises to within 3 meters of a crop's roots, impeding their ability to absorb oxygen and ultimately compromising crop yields. Many factors contribute to waterlogging. These include inadequate drainage, improper balance in the use of groundwater and surface water, seepage and percolation from unlined channels, overwatering, planting crops not suited to specific soils, and inadequate preparation of land before irrigation
bidla fl-użu tal-artLUC
bidla fl-użu tal-artland-use change
dumping fl-oċeaniocean dumping The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources
emissjoni fl-ilmaemission to water The discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants into a body of water
flessibbiltà fl-approċċ ambjentaliflexible approach to environmental protection Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control
formazzjoni ta' partiċelli fl-atmosfera li jinksew bl-ilma u jinżlu bħala xitarainout Process by which particles in the atmosphere act as centres round which water can form drops which then falls as rain
industrija intensiva fl-enerġijaenergy intensive industry
infiltrazzjoni tal-ilma fl-artwater infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and pores
Infrastruttura għall-Informazzjoni Ġeografika fl-EwropaINfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe
Infrastruttura għall-Informazzjoni Ġeografika fl-EwropaInfrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
Konferenza Ministerjali dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Foresti fl-EwropaMinisterial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
Konvenzjoni dwar il-Kummerċ Internazzjonali fl-Ispeċijiet ta' Fawna u Flora Selvaġġi fil-PerikluWashington Convention
Konvenzjoni dwar il-Kummerċ Internazzjonali fl-Ispeċijiet ta' Fawna u Flora Selvaġġi fil-PerikluConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
kurrent fl-oċeaniocean current A net transport of ocean water along a definable path
kwantità ta' ilma li tiskula miż-żona tal-qbid fl-għargħarflood runoff The total quantity of water flowing from the catchment during the period of the flood
ossidazzjoni bl-arja fl-umduwet air oxidation
pajjiż mhux inkluż fl-Anness INon-Annex I country
Parti inkluża fl-Anness IParty included in Annex I
Parti inkluża fl-Anness IAnnex I party
Parti mhux inkluża fl-Anness IParty not included in Annex I
Parti mhux inkluża fl-Anness INon-Annex I Party
popolazzjoni tax-xogħol involuta fl-agrikolturaworking population engaged in agriculture The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultry
Programm Kooperattiv għall-Monitoraġġ u l-Evalwazzjoni tat-Trażmissjoni fuq Medda Twila ta' Sustanzi li Jniġġsu l-Arja fl-EwropaCooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol
Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniProtocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol on ABS
Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniABS Protocol
punt fejn id-drenaġġ jiskula fl-oċeanocean outfall The mouth or outlet of a river, drain, sewer or any other place at which drainage or wastewater is discharged into a body of oceanic water
radjazzjoni fl-isfondbackground radiation Radiation resulting from natural sources, as opposed to man-made sources, and to which people are exposed in everyday, normal life; for example from rocks and soil
riċerka fl-ispazjuspace research Research involving studies of all aspects of environmental conditions beyond the atmosphere of the earth
sediment iffurmat minn trabijiet fini fl-atmosferaatmospheric fallout The sedimentation of dust or fine particles from the atmosphere
storbju fl-isfondbackground noise
storbju fl-isfondbackground noise Noise coming from source other than the noise source being monitored
sustanzi kimiċi fl-ambjentchemical in the environment The presence in the environment of any solid, liquid or gaseous material discharged from a process and that may pose substantial hazard to human health and the environment
sustanzi li jniġġsu fl-arjaairborne pollutant
sustanzi li jniġġsu fl-arjaair pollutant
teknoloġija effiċjenti fl-enerġijafuel-saving technology
teknoloġija effiċjenti fl-enerġijaenergy efficient technology
teknoloġija fl-aħħar stadjuend-of-pipe technology An approach to pollution control which concentrates upon effluent treatment or filtration prior to discharge into the environment, as opposed to making changes in the process giving rise to the wastes
tniġġis atmosferiku fl-ambjent ta' ġewwaindoor air pollution Chemical, physical or biological contaminants in the air inside buildings and other enclosed spaces occupied by humans. This pollution can arise from tobacco smoke, pesticides, cleaning agents, gases released from building materials, rugs, household products, etc.
trasport fl-ispazjuspace transportation Transportation by means of vehicles designed to operate in free space outside the earth's atmosphere
użu tal-art, tibdil fl-użu tal-art u l-forestrijaland-use, land-use change and forestry
vjaġġar fl-ispazjuspace travel Travel in the space beyond the earth's atmosphere performed for scientific research purposes
ċirkolazzjoni fl-oċeaniocean circulation Water current flow in a closed circular pattern within an ocean
ħarsien tal-ambjent fl-industrijaenvironmental protection in the enterprise Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human health
żieda fl-ispejjeżcost increase The augmentation or rise in the amount of money incurred or asked for in the exchange of goods and services
żona fl-ilma fejn kull sena il-ħut ibidspawning ground Area of water where fish come each year to produce their eggs