
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
两阶段最小平方two-stage least squares
主权财富基金公认原则与做Santiago principles
主权财富基金公认原则与做Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds
休克疗shock therapy
会计做accounting methods
会计做accounting procedures
会计做accounting practices
会计方accounting methods
会计方accounting procedures
会计方accounting practices
例行商业做customary business practices
纳税tax compliance
纳税taxpayer compliance
倒算净价格netback pricing oil
倒算净价格net-back approach
债务人debtor approach to interest expense
债务人debtor approach
债权人creditor approach to interest expense
债权人creditor approach
先进先出first in, first out
先进后出first in, last out
"全球支付失衡"方"global payments imbalance" approach
共同价格common price method
关于土地用途的律规定zoning regulations
关于土地用途的律规定zoning laws
净值回推netback pricing oil
净值回推net-back approach
减贫战略文件方PRSP process
减贫战略文件方PRSP approach
利息支出的债务人debtor approach to interest expense
利息支出的债务人debtor approach
利息支出的债权人creditor approach to interest expense
利息支出的债权人creditor approach
华尔拉Walras' Law
华尔拉Walras' stability
单一价格law of one price
反洗钱和打击为恐怖主义融资标准遵守情况评估方Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standard
反洗钱方文件AML Methodology Document
反洗钱方文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
豁免immunity from judicial process
后进先出last in, first out inventory accounting
后进后出last in, last out
吸收分析absorption approach
吸收分析absorption approach to the balance of trade
基于审查的方reviews-based approach
基于市场的方market-based approach
基于选择理论的方choice-theoretic approach
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方的联合文件AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方的联合文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组织的律地位status of the Fund
基金组织的政策与做policies and practices of the IMF
基金组织的标准做standard practices of the Fund
基金组织的标准做rules and practices of the Fund
基金组织的规则和做standard practices of the Fund
基金组织的规则和做rules and practices of the Fund
增量incremental approach IMF quota calculations
"夕阳"sunset act
"夕阳"sunset legislation
外部均衡评估EBA methodology
外部均衡评估External Balance Assessment methodology
外部审计机制、中央银行的律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments
多德-弗兰克Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
多德-弗兰克Dodd-Frank Act
多德弗兰克华尔街改革与消费者保护Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
多德弗兰克华尔街改革与消费者保护Dodd-Frank Act
多重汇率做multiple exchange rate practice
多重汇率做multiple currency practice
多重货币做multiple exchange rate practice
多重货币做multiple currency practice
完全信息极大似然FIML procedure
完全信息极大似然full information maximum likelihood procedure econometrics
宏观经济平衡macroeconomic balance approach
constitutional law
工作方Work Practices Section
工作方顾问Advisor on Work Practices
1930年关税Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930
1930年关税Tariff Act of 1930
1930年Smoot-Hawley关税Tariff Act of 1930
1930年Smoot-Hawley关税Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930
弹性分析elasticities approach
"总括"global method
成文statutory law
或有债权方contingent claims approach
承诺减少并最终取消不符合标准的律和措施rollback commitment
技术援助与律改革组TA and Law Reform Unit
技术援助与律改革组Technical Assistance and Law Reform Group
技术援助与律改革组Technical Assistance & Law Reform Unit
按获得确定利息开支acquisition approach to interest expense
按获得确定利息开支acquisition approach
收入income approach
Evian方Evian approach
旋转木马式欺诈missing trader fraud
旋转木马式欺诈carousel fraud
兑现的支票bad check
兑现的支票unpaid check
兑现的支票dishonored check
取得的not available
时点评级point-in-time rating
权利方"rights" approach
欧洲统一Single Act
欧洲统一Single European Act
欧盟理事会提出的两项旨在加强欧元区经济监管与合作的two pack European Union
歧视性货币做discriminatory currency practice
残值residual method
汇总记账summary accounting
没有单独币的汇兑安排exchange arrangements with no separate legal tender IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006
享有治外权的机构extraterritorial body
legal entity
corporate body
artificial person
人团体legal entity
人团体corporate body
人团体artificial person
人实体legal entity
人实体corporate body
人实体artificial person
兰西银行Bank of France France
国国际金融期货市场French international financial futures market
定储备金legal reserve
定储备金statutory reserve banking, insurance
定准备金legal reserve
定准备金statutory reserve banking, insurance
定准备金比率minimum reserve ratio
定准备金比率reserve requirement
定准备金比率legal reserve ratio
定准备金比率reserve ratio
定准备金比率required reserve ratio
定存款准备金率minimum reserve requirement
定存款准备金率required reserves
定存款准备金率reserve requirement
定支出mandatory spending
定支出direct spending
定支出mandated expenditures
定权力statutory power
定纸币fiduciary money
定纸币fiat currency
定纸币central bank money
定纸币fiat money
定货币lawful currency
定货币lawful money
定资本authorized capital
定限额statutory ceiling
legal currency
legal tender
律和法规框架legal and regulatory framework
律地位、豁免与特权status, immunities, and privileges
律部Legal Department
律部主任General Counsel
律部副主任Deputy General Counsel
律部助理主任Assistant General Counsel
律部图书馆Law Library
律顾问Consulting Counsel
rule of law
郎区franc zone
郎区franc area
郎区CFA Franc Zone
消除趋势detrending method
渐进的方gradualist approach
滞后的准备金计算方lagged reserve accounting
监管做和规定supervisory practice and regulation
直接标价direct quotation
破产bankruptcy law
tax law
漏洞tax loophole
的执行enforced collection
的执行tax enforcement
纳税人依纳税tax compliance
纳税人依纳税taxpayer compliance
综合贸易Omnibus Trade Law
美国复苏与再投资Recovery Act
美国复苏与再投资American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
联合国国际贸易委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
荷兰式拍卖Dutch auction
蒙特卡罗Monte Carlo simulation
蒙特卡罗Monte Carlo method
行政Administrative Tribunal
行政规组Administrative Law Unit
解决金融危机的资产负债表方balance sheet approach
解决金融危机的资产负债表方balance sheet approach to financial crisis
财政资金筹措办ways and means
《财政透明度良好做准则》Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency 2007
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则MFP Transparency Code
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则MFP Code
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则宣言MFP Transparency Code
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则宣言MFP Code
货币与金融政策透明度良好做准则宣言Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles
贸易差额的吸收分析absorption approach
贸易差额的吸收分析absorption approach to the balance of trade
资产负债表方balance sheet approach
资产负债表方balance sheet approach to financial crisis
跨周期评级through-the-cycle rating
退势detrending method
遵守或解释comply or explain approach
银行保密Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
银行保密Bank Secrecy Act
间接标价indirect quotation
限制性商业做restrictive business practices
人企业unincorporated business
人企业unincorporated enterprise
郎区国家nonfranc country
非权利性支出,非定支出nonentitlement spending
非洲郎区franc zone
非洲郎区franc area
非洲郎区CFA Franc Zone
非洲商业统一组织Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law
非洲增长和机会African Growth and Opportunity Act
所得税从源预扣pay-as-you-earn withholding
预算approved budget
预算budget law
预算框架budget framework law
积累的黄金golden rule of growth
积累的黄金golden rule of capital accumulation
积累的黄金golden rule of accumulation