
Terms for subject Environment containing radiactivo | all forms | exact matches only
aerosoles radiactivosradioactive aerosols
almacenamiento de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste repository
bomba de evacuación del efluente radiactivoactive effluent drain pump
cementerio de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste repository
cementerio radiactivograveyard
cementerio radiactivoradioactive cemetery
cementerio radiactivoburial ground
Comité consultivo de transporte de residuos radiactivosAdvisory Committee on the transportation of radioactive waste
concentrado radiactivoradioactive concentrate
contaminante radiactivocontaminant
cuerpo simple radiactivoradioelement
cuerpo simple radiactivoradioelement An element that is naturally radioactive
depósito de recepción del efluente radiactivoactive effluent drain hold-up tank
depósito de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste repository
desechos radiactivosradio-active wastes
dispersión de material radiactivo al ambientedispersion of radioactive material to the environment
eliminar el material radiactivo de su antiguo emplazamientoradioactive material removed from the site
Empresa Nacional de Residuos RadiactivosNational Radioactive Waste Corporation
enfermedades de origen radiactivoradiation sickness
enfermedades de origen radiactivoradiation sickness The complex of symptoms characterizing the disease known as radiation injury, resulting from excessive exposure of the whole body (or large part) to ionizing radiation. The earliest of these symptoms are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea, which may be followed by loss of hair (epilation), hemorrhage, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and general loss of energy
evacuación de residuos radiactivos líquidosradioactive liquid waste discharge
evacuación de óxido de deuterio radiactivocarrying out of radioactive deuterium oxide
gestión de desechos radiactivosradioactive waste management
gestión de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste management
gestión de residuos radiactivosradioactive waste management The total supervision of the production, handling, processing, storage and transport of materials that contain radioactive nuclides and for which use, reuse or recovery are impractical
material radiactivo natural reforzado técnicamentetechnically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material
mineral radiactivoradioactive mineral
polvillo radiactivofallout
polvillo radiactivofallout The descent of airborne solid or liquid particles to the ground, which occurs when the speed at which they fall due to gravity exceeds that of any upward motion of the air surrounding them
polvo radiactivoradioactive dust
polvo radiactivoactive dust
poseedor de residuos radiactivosholder of radioactive waste
poseedor de residuos radiactivosthe holder of the radioactive waste
poso radiactivoradioactive fallout
procedimiento de gestión de residuos radiactivosmanagement process for radioactive waste
producto radiactivoradioactive product
residuo radiactivo solidificado de alta actividadsolidified highly radioactive waste
residuos radiactivosradioactive waste
residuos radiactivosspent fuel for reprocessing
residuos radiactivosradio-active wastes
residuos radiactivosradioactive waste Any waste that emit radiation in excess of normal background level, including the toxic by-products of the nuclear energy industry
residuos radiactivos de alta actividadhigh-level waste
residuos radiactivos de alta actividadhigh-level radioactive waste
residuos radiactivos de alta actividadhigh level nuclear waste
residuos radiactivos de baja actividadlow-level waste
residuos radiactivos de baja actividadlow-level radioactive waste
residuos radiactivos recubiertos de matrices vitrificadasradioactive waste encased in vitreous matrices
sedimentación de polvo radiactivodeposition of radioactive dust
sistema de tratamiento del efluente radiactivoactive effluent system
trazador radiactivoradioactive tracer
trazador radiactivoradioactive tracer A radioactive isotope which, when injected into a biological or physical system, can be traced by radiation detection devices, permitting determination of the distribution or location of the substance to which it is attached
vertidos radiactivosradioactive dumping
vertidos radiactivosradioactive dump
vertidos radiactivosradioactive dumping Waste generated by the emission of particulate or electromagnetic radiation resulting from the decay of the nuclei of unstable elements