
Terms for subject Environment containing joslās | all forms
cieto atkritumu izvešana un izgāšana atklātā jūrā, dziļūdens joslādeep-sea disposal The disposal of solid waste or sludge by carrying the wastes out to sea, usually in a barge, and dumping into deep water
josla tīrumā traktora manevramheadland farm, A strip of land left at the end of a furrow in a field in order to facilitate the turning of the plough (zemnieku saimniecība)
klimatiskā joslaclimatic zone A belt of the earth's surface within which the climate is generally homogeneous in some respect; an elemental region of a simple climatic classification
krasta līnijai paralēla smilšu josla jūrābarrier beach An elongated sand or shingle bank which lies parallel to the coastline and is not submerged by the tide. If it is high enough to permit dune growth it is termed a barrier island
mērenās klimatiskās joslas mežstemperate forest Mixed forest of conifers and broad-leaf deciduous trees, or mixed conifer and broad-leaf evergreen trees, or entirely broad-leaf deciduous, or entirely broad-leaf evergreen trees, found in temperate regions across the world; characterized by high rainfall, warm summers, cold winters occasionally subzero, seasonality; typically with dense canopies, understorey saplings and tall shrubs, large animals, carnivores dominant, very rich in bird species
spektrāla joslaspectral band Closely grouped bands of lines characteristic of molecular gases of chemical compounds (spectroscopy)
zaļā joslagreenbelt 1. An area of land, not necessarily continuous, near to and sometimes surrounding a large built-up area. The area is kept open by permanent and severe restriction on building. 2. An irrigated, landscaped, and regularly maintained fuelbreak, usually put to some additional use, such as a golf course, park, or playground. 3. A planning designation that mandates the setting aside of otherwise developable lands for the purpose of creating natural or semi-natural open spaces. Greenbelts are usually linear parkways, tracts, or belts of land running through or around urban conurbations. 4. An area or zone of open, semi-rural, low-density land surrounding existing major urban areas, but not necessarily continuous. The zone is to be kept open by permanent and severe restrictions on new development