
Terms for subject Microsoft containing analisi | all forms | exact matches only
analisi BPABPA scan (A scan that is run by the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) to identify any issues that violate a pre-defined set of best practices)
analisi clickstreamclickstream analysis (Clickstream data are information that users generate as they move from page to page and click on items within a Web site, usually stored in log files. Web site designers can use clickstream data to improve users' experiences with a site)
analisi codicecode analysis (The process of checking code for conformance to design guidelines. Code analysis goes beyond compilation to look for common coding and design errors determined by a set of guidelines)
Analisi concorrenzaCompetition Tracker (A business application that tracks details and news about competitors and compares one's key products with those of competitors)
analisi dei punti di forzastrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
analisi dei requisitirequirements analysis (The determination of the functional and performance characteristics of a solution based on analyses of customer needs, expectations, and constraints)
analisi dei rischirisk analysis (The evaluation, classification, and prioritization of risks)
analisi dei thread lunghilong parsing (In the SQL system there are two typical types of threads: - short thread: it is a process that use the resources for a short time and - long thread: it is a process that use the resources for a long time. long parsing: is the analysis of the threads that lived for a long time Note: the definition of short/long is based on the system calculation/statistic for each process)
analisi del comportamentobehavioral analysis (Functions that enable users to track the online activity of prospects, customers, and all types of Internet users)
analisi del documentodocument parsing (The process of detecting the file type of an item during content processing, and converting the item to text)
analisi del sitosite analysis (The process of visiting all the pages of a Web site to gather information about the structure of the site. The IIS SEO Site Analysis feature performs a site analysis to discover violations of best practices for search engine optimization)
analisi della retenetwork scanning (A process of finding, or identifying characteristics of, computers or other resources that are accessible on a network)
analisi delle prestazioniperformance analysis (The assessment of actual performance against an established standard)
analisi dello stackstack trace (A report that lists the sequence or heirarchy of nested procedure calls made by a program up to the current procedure call)
analisi dello stackstack traceback (A report that lists the sequence or heirarchy of nested procedure calls made by a program up to the current procedure call)
analisi dello stackstack backtrace (A report that lists the sequence or heirarchy of nested procedure calls made by a program up to the current procedure call)
analisi dell'utilizzousage analysis (A feature that enables data collection to evaluate how Web sites on your server are being used)
analisi di fine progettolessons learned (A review of best practices, project insights, and client information. As the project team disbands and new projects begin, reviewing the lessons learned lets you record information gathered and generated through the project)
analisi di ottimizzazionetune-up scan (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
analisi di ottimizzazionetune up scan (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
analisi di recuperocatch-up scan (A scan that is initiated because regularly scheduled quick scans or full scans were missed)
Analisi file di importazioneImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import)
Analisi funzionalità hardwareHardware Functionality Scan (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
Analisi funzionalità hardwareHFS (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
analisi grafico chiamatecallgraph analysis (The graph of method calls and the points in the program that call them. A node would be a method and the link would be the relationship of the other methods that it calls)
analisi lacuna competenzeskill gap analysis (A method of comparing the actual skill level of an employee with a target level defined for a current job, a career path, or any other job in a company. This analysis helps to identify strengths and weaknesses in an employee's competence profile in relation to a job, and can be used to determine the appropriate competence development activities)
analisi multidimensionalemultidimensional analysis (A methodology often used to design OLAP systems that involves describing numeric facts (such as revenue) by business descriptors (such as customers, time, products, and so on))
Analisi opportunitàopportunity funnel (Opportunities grouped by sales stage. If viewed in a chart format, the groupings could resemble an abstract funnel. The wide end consists of leads. The narrow end consists of actual sales)
analisi PERTProgram, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis (A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-case)
analisi PERTPERT analysis (A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-case)
analisi protezione di retenetwork security scan (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
Analisi rapidaQuick Analysis (A feature that enables single-click access to top data analysis features such as formulas, conditional formatting, sparklines, charts and PivotTable reports)
analisi retrospettivaretrospective (A meeting that occurs at the end of a sprint (iteration of development) in which the team evaluates the way they worked with the intent of making improvements in the upcoming sprint)
analisi staticastatic analysis (The analysis of the source or object code of a program without executing the code. Typically the analysis is designed to detect errors)
analisi staticastatic analysis (The analysis of the source or object code of a program without executing the code. Typically the analysis is designed to detect errors)
Analisi SWOTSWOT analysis (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
Analisi SWOTSWOT analysis (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
Analisi trasformazioneTransform Parse (A system job that parses a transformation used in data migration)
Analisi utilizzo GuidaHelp Improvement program (A feature that helps Microsoft identify trends in the way Help is used so that Microsoft can improve the search results and the relevancy of the content)
Analisi utilizzo softwareCustomer Experience Improvement Program (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
Analisi utilizzo softwareCustomer Feedback (A tab in the Array Managment feature that enables the user join the Customer Experience Improvement Program)
Analisi utilizzo softwareCEIP (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
diagramma analisi alberi di guastofault tree analysis diagram (A type of diagram commonly used to illustrate events that might lead to a failure so the failure can be prevented)
grafico di analisi delle tendenzetrend analysis chart (A chart that shows the projected trend for a KPI based on analysis of previous data)
motore di analisiscan engine (Software used to inspect messages to detect viruses or to identify spam)
plug-in di analisi playlistplaylist parser plug-in (A type of plug-in that parses system or custom playlist formats and transforms them into SMIL-compliant XML DOM objects supported by Windows Media Services)
processo di analisi attivaProactive Scanner (An automated proactive scan that triggers when NTFS detects a corruption. The scan is equivalent to the scan phase of chkdsk and finds and logs all corruptions to an internal file. This scan runs during maintenance hours, can be triggered from the Explorer, or manually run from a command line. When this scan is running in the background, some NTFS operations may be blocked)
punto di analisitracepoint (A breakpoint with a custom action associated with it. When a tracepoint is hit, the debugger performs the specified tracepoint action instead of, or in addition to, breaking program execution)
report analisi fornitorevendor analysis report (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
ripetere l'analisirescan (To search for new tape libraries and stand-alone tape drives attached to the DPM server, and for storage nodes managed by the DPM server)
Servizio analisiAnalytics Service (The service that performs analytics processing for search in SharePoint)
servizio di analisi businessbusiness analytics service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes SQL StreamInsight, SQL Reporting, and Hadoop)
strumento di analisi di regressioneRegression analysis tool (" A tool that performs linear regression analysis by using the "least squares" method to fit a line through a set of observations. A user can analyze how a single dependent variable is affected by the values of one or more independent variables.")